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The Rossing Report


Increasing Hostility Towards Christians in the Holy Land
Webinar invitation

Dear Friends,

In recent months, an alarming rise in attacks against Christians, both physically and materially, has been observed around the Holy land and in the Old City of Jerusalem. From spitting at clerics wearing habits or Christian symbols to defacing houses of worship with graffiti, these acts of hostility are deeply concerning. As an organization committed to fostering understanding and dialogue, we feel it is crucial to shed light on these events and offer a nuanced analysis of what is happening in the field.

Our panellists will put events into context from different angles. Wadie Abu Nassar, the co-founder of the Forum of Holy Land Christians, will help us understand the profound impact this escalation is having on local communities and the Churches at large. Hana Bendcowsky, will shed light on the urgent need to address this issue from an Israeli Jewish perspective, examining what this says about changes within Israeli society and exploring potential solutions to tackle the problem.


We at the Rossing Center for Education and Dialogue believe that through partnership, respect and dialogue we can create a better society. 

We invite you to join us on July 17th to be part of the change.

Link to the event on Facebook
Link to register

Dr. Sarah Bernstein
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