Renovated Veteran Resources Center at Western Nevada College

Published: Jul. 11, 2023 at 6:09 PM PDT
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RENO, Nev. (KOLO) - The Western Nevada College Veteran Resources Center has been remodeled and is ready to help students find their way in the busy and strenuous life of a college enrollee.

There are some great additions including new desk spaces overlooking t landscape a lounge area, and a study area along with a new mural seen when walking into the area.

Most importantly, faculty members say this renovation is about making the space more comfortable for veteran students to help them succeed.

Jonathan Jacobson, WNC Veteran Resources Center Coordinator says,

“The western Nevada veterans resource center is a place where veterans and their families can come and congregate and be themselves, its where we can continue to build that comradery that we had when we were in service.”

The project began with an idea from a student and board member Brook Sweeting who said, “I brought the idea up to my classmates, and in one way or another someone is affected or has someone that they know who is a veteran.”

The center is a place where students can build a community, study, and work together. Faculty members share why this program is important to the college community.

Faculty member and Board of Regents Member, Jeffrey Downs said, “It’s crucial to students to give them different opportunities. To give them just different focus and to take away some of the stress that they may encounter being in this environment: with studying and changing from whatever they were exposed to before.”

Jacobson says, “At the end of the day we were there for everybody else and what’s nice about it is I can provide that service back to my fellow brothers and sisters, and it’s just amazing.”

The renovation was made possible thanks to a donation from NV Energy and fundraising by the leadership institute class of 2023.