An autumnal scene, the Child Friendly Warwickshire bear strolling through fallen leaves in an orange jumper and scarf with a squirrelly friend. A white heading reads Autumn newsletter next to the yellow and black CFW logo.

Welcome to Child Friendly Warwickshire's spring newsletter, an opportunity to share news about child-friendly activities across the county and give a voice to young people to share their views and experiences.

In this edition we are sharing information about upcoming events in Warwickshire, offering useful information on Child Exploitation, and providing guidance on where to get support and advice. In our “Be skilled” section, we introduce you to Abigail, a young person who worked with county council’s Marketing and Communication team.

Don't forget to check out the “Parent and carer corner” for the latest news and updates from around Warwickshire that you won't want to miss.

Finally, we are happy to welcome our newly elected Youth Council. We congratulate the 30 young people who are looking forward to working hard to help ensure the views of their peers are heard. This year 66 young people entered the elections with representation from most secondary schools in Warwickshire.

As always, don’t forget to tell us about any great child-friendly activities you’ve been doing or if you have something planned! Our aim is to bring the county together in a collective mission to create opportunities and lasting positive change for children and young people.

This is a future we can all believe in. This is Child Friendly Warwickshire.

Become a friend today

If you have any ideas for partnership working or if you’re doing something to be more #ChildFriendly, please let us know by emailing

Child exploitation is happening in Warwickshire. Don't ignore it.

You might have heard the words child exploitation at school, at home, or even on the news - but what does it really mean?

It's when someone you meet, a friend, or maybe your boyfriend or girlfriend, someone who is supposed to care for you, ends up hurting you, frightening you, or persuading or expecting you to do things you don't want to do.

But you might not have even met them, you could have talked to them online, maybe sent pictures to each other, before arranging to meet.

They take advantage of you by giving you the illusion that they love or care for you by giving you gifts such as clothes, food, alcohol and cigarettes, in exchange for something. Things may start off feeling good until they begin to want something in return for all they have given to you.

You may feel like you or your friend has gone along with it, but this doesn’t matter.

All children and young people have a right to be safe and should be protected from all forms of abuse. 

This is child exploitation.

Warwickshire CSE

Remember, help is always available.

Learn more about child exploitation and the support available

What can you do today to help a child’s tomorrow?

This is Child Friendly Warwickshire YouTube video screenshot

Believe in a county where all children and young people are heard, skilled, safe, healthy and happy.

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