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Greetings to our HOPe community and stakeholders-

As the year comes to a close, I am thrilled to share with you some wonderful news -- House of Possibilities (HOPe) has been awarded a Yawkey Foundation Strategic Investment grant of $555,0000 that will fund pre-construction activities for expansion of our Easton facilities, allowing us to significantly increase our capacity to support people with disabilities and their families in Southeastern Massachusetts. 

This grant will propel our exciting and innovative project (below) to triple the size of our facility located on the campus of Stonehill College, providing state-of-the-art purpose-driven spaces. At the center of the project design is a focus on greater community inclusion and workforce participation, and a holistic approach to supporting individuals and their caretakers.

For more than 18 years, our Trustees have valued the best-in-class enrichment programs for children and adults offered at House of Possibilities – providing opportunities that have never been more important, given the current unprecedented demand for disability services. During their lifetimes, Tom and Jean Yawkey were dedicated to ensuring that people of all abilities had access to resources to fulfill their aspirations, and this project will make a meaningful difference in the number of lives that can be touched by HOPe’s expert, compassionate care. 
Maureen H. Bleday, Yawkey Foundation CEO
Over the next year, this grant will allow HOPe to further develop construction plans which will expand our footprint to better serve current and future members. Additionally, this grant will permit HOPe to share the project’s goals, progress and needs to bring this vision to reality. 

The Yawkey Foundation has long partnered with HOPe to create a world where individuals with disabilities can thrive. We are incredibly grateful for their support to bring this project forward, as well as their faith in our organization and the work that we do. 

We are also extremely grateful for your ongoing support of our programs. Your assistance has played a crucial role in our achievements and continued success.

Happy holidays and best wishes in the new year,

Katie Terino, CEO
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