You sit all day? Then these foods should be your first choice!

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Anyone who works in an office sits all day, which is bad for their health. You can safeguard your body from the ailments that occur from eating certain foods.
Germans spend an average of seven hours per day sitting. And this is really harmful to your body. Sitting causes the metabolism and cardiovascular system to slow down, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and weakened veins. Is there anything that can be done about it? People who sit for long periods of time need to move around. In addition, the appropriate diet can help prevent high blood pressure and other health problems.

  • Nuts and fish

As nutrition expert Piya Tony Vacharasanee explains in an interview with "Eat this", nuts and fish, such as salmon, eel, or herring, are particularly good foods if you sit a lot. The reason: They contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are required for essential metabolic processes in the body. Almonds are also a good source of vitamin E, which protects cells and ensures beautiful skin.

  • pineapple

There is a lot of bromelain in pineapple, which has anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties. The fruit is rich in vitamins (vitamins C, E, and A) and has a very basic effect due to its minerals. This means that it regulates your acid-base balance in the body. And that in turn ensures that you react more calmly in stressful situations.

  • avocado

Avocados contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids that keep your muscle cells healthy - and fight belly fat effectively. Also, the fruit contains a large number of important nutrients that play an important role in our health: phytosterols reduce cholesterol absorption and fiber helps regulate blood sugar.

  • garlic

Okay, your coworkers won't be quite as pleased if you've had too much garlic in your meal. Nevertheless, you should occasionally rely on the odorous tuber, as it effectively fights inflammation in the body. Garlic also regulates fat levels and blood sugar levels.

  • Berry

Anyone who snacks berries over and over again ensures that the inflammation levels in the body are reduced. Why is that? The secondary plant substances in the fruits. The so-called flavonoids keep the cells elastic and thus prevent cardiovascular diseases and strengthen the immune system. They are also said to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

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