9 Tips to lose weight without diet

You don't always have to stick to a rigorous eating plan if you want to lose weight. We offer 9 simple weight-loss strategies that don't require diets.

Is it even feasible to lose weight without dieting?

Let's face it: most of us can't stick to a rigid diet since it interferes with our daily lives. Children, jobs, sports - and then dieting and following tight restrictions to lose weight? No! If you follow these 9 tips, you can lose weight without dieting!

1. develop an eating routine

Nothing is worse than eating irregular meal times or gorging on your food between appointments. This only leads to not paying attention to what and how much you are actually eating. To develop a daily eating routine and eat at the same time every day, if possible, so that your metabolism can adjust to your food intake. This helps burn fat and makes diets unnecessary. Also important: a calorie deficit. To lose weight, we need to take in fewer calories than we consume. 

2. sufficient sleep is the key to losing weight without dieting

Do you want to reduce your weight - but preferably without dieting or even crash dieting? Then make sure you get enough sleep. Because if you go to bed late at night and have to get up early, you risk ravenous hunger the next day. The reason is: lack of sleep hurts the hormone leptin, which controls hunger and appetite. Leptin levels drop and send the "hunger" signal, even when the body actually still has enough energy available.

3. light food in the evening makes you slim

It goes without saying that you should not eat a lot of calories from carbohydrates and fat in the evening if your goal is to lose weight without dieting. On the one hand, the stomach digests heavy food worse, which in turn affects the quality of sleep. On the other hand, because you no longer move - and everything you eat is stored as an energy reserve. It is better to focus on a light and healthy diet: Recipes with vegetables and protein foods like fish or lean meat are healthy and easier to digest.

4. drink, drink, drink

A glass of water right after getting up boosts your metabolism and gets both fat burning and digestion going. Throughout the day, you should drink at least two liters of water or unsweetened tea - this is not only good for losing weight but also improves blood circulation in the skin. 

5. enjoy nutrition consciously

Okay, we already know weight loss tips like this - but you should still remember the trick more often. Consciously and calmly enjoy the food you eat. Take enough time for each roll - and taste rather than consume. The goal of this exercise is that you deny yourself certain snacks and focus more on your feeling of hunger again. This way you will automatically eat less without having to start dieting.

6. exercise properly

If we want to lose weight without dieting, it is not only important to rethink our diet, but also to exercise properly. This is because we burn calories not only during exercise itself but also through growing muscles: they ensure that more energy is consumed even during periods of rest. Ideally, we alternate between strength and endurance sports and exercise two to three times a week for at least 30 minutes each.

7. do not forget relaxation

Apart from sufficient sleep, we also need regular breaks in our everyday lives if we want to lose weight without dieting. This is because permanent stress not only increases the risk of various diseases but also ensures that fat deposits can form more easily. Methods such as yoga or autogenic training have been proven to have a relaxing effect. These relaxation techniques can also help.

8. keep a food diary

A piece of cake baked by a colleague in the morning, a quick chocolate bar in the afternoon before the next meeting - we often don't even notice what we snack on during the day. A food diary can help here. Everything we eat during the day should be recorded. Not only the little sins but also healthy foods such as fruit and vegetables. This gives us a good overview of what we eat during the day and makes it easier to achieve a calorie deficit.

9. abstain from alcohol

For losing weight without dieting, it is advisable to avoid alcohol. There are two reasons for this: First, alcohol contains many calories, especially when mixed with juices or soft drinks to make a drink. Secondly, alcohol often leads to a ravenous appetite, because it creates stress and makes us restless. This also explains why, after a party with plenty of alcohol, we often crave fatty foods like a burger or pizza.

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