Factom® Protocol Roadmap

The Factom® Protocol is supported by a strong set of companies providing infrastructure and open-source development. The roadmap is meant as a general guideline for development and is subject to change.



Factom® Badges (In Progress) - Allowing individuals and organizations to issue badges for Diplomas, Certificates, Achievements, and Competencies on Factom®.

Smart Contracts (In Progress) - The Factom® Asset Token protocol will allow you to naturally express smart contract functionality directly within data in the Factom® protocol. 2 implementations are scheduled:
        • WebAssembly (Wasm)
        • DAML (Digital Asset)

Identity & signing specifications (In Progress) - DIDs allow for self-sovereign identities on top of Factom®. These identities can be used to sign files or objects. A specification allows for maximum interoperability for using signatures on Factom®.

Alfresco DID integration (In Progress) - Alfresco, one of the major Document Management systems will be integrated with DID identities for authentication.


TPS Improvements - Developers will release updates that improve the Transactions Per Second (TPS) of the Factom® protocol to a goal of greater than 1000 TPS. Methodologies employed may include code optimization, sharding, and other technological advancements.

Factom Realtime Explorer (Completed) - With Factom Realtime Explorer, all chains, entries and transactions are caught up within 1-2 seconds - That means you don't need to wait for block conformation. You can see or share your transactions or data entires instantly after submission to the network.

Additional Standing Parties - Voting power will be further decentralized with the addition of more Standing Parties. These may include Proof of Stake, Proof of Use, and/or Grant Success.

ANO Promotion & Demotion System (Completed) - The ANO Promotion and Demotion System will be an automated UI that allows Factom Standing Parties to add or remove support for existing and candidate Authority Node Operators.

Non Profit Company - The community seeks to create a non-profit to hold some domains and operate websites for the community.




PegNet Release (Completed)- PegNet is the stablecoin network and asset layer for decentralized finance. PegNet enables users to hold value and make payments in the form of pegged asset tokens. Find out more here.

Xuan Release (Completed)- Developers will release updates that improve the Transactions Per Second (TPS) of the Factom® protocol. Methodologies employed may include code optimization, sharding, and other technological advancements.

Onchain Voting
(Completed) - A fully on-chain, decentralized voting system.

Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)  (In Progress) - Decentralized Identifiers are a new type of identifier for verifiable, "self-sovereign" digital identity. DIDs are fully under the control of the DID subject, independent from any centralized registry, identity provider, or certificate authority. DIDs are URLs that relate a DID subject to means for trustable interactions with that subject. DIDs resolve to DID Documents which are simple documents that describe how to use that specific DID.


Tokenization (Completed) - The FAT protocol is a pure data open-source tokenization protocol built on the Factom® blockchain that is efficient, modular, language-independent, composable, and extensible allowing developers to layer token functionality to meet their specific use case.

Automated Grant System (Completed) - A system that allows grant proposals to be submitted, voted and handled from within the Factomize forum. All anchored on Factom®. Find out more here

FAT integrations (In Review) - Factom® Asset Tokens FAT-0 and FAT-1 integration into and the TFA explorer.


TPS Improvements (Completed) - Developers will release updates that improve the Transactions Per Second (TPS) of the Factom® protocol. Methodologies employed may include code optimization, sharding, and other technological advancements.

Anchor into Ethereum  (Completed) - Factom® Protocol supports anchoring into Ethereum to provide enhanced security and cross chain interoperability


Factom® Improvement Proposals (FIPs) (Completed) - An efficient way to propose changes to the Factom® protocol. Posted in Github and on the protocol website here.

Decentralization of Development (Completed) - Additional Core developers outside of Factom® Inc begin to contribute to the codebase. – There are 3 additional parties with 5 additional core developers working on the core codebase these days.

Bug Bounty Program (Completed) -  A means for 3rd parties to report bugs with the Factom® protocol and be compensated based upon their severity will be deployed. It can be accessed here.

Factom® Open API (Completed) - A easy to use API that hides away complexities of factomd/walletd. Can be accessed here.



Ledger Hardware Wallet Integration (Completed) - The Ledger Hardware wallet allows for FCT tokens to be held more securely. Ledger approved the integration code and the system can be utilized as seen here.

Neutral Website (www.FactomProtocol.org) (Live) - The need for a central source of information about the Factom® protocol that was not controlled by any single entity was identified. The website at www.factomprotocol.org was designed and deployed and it will come under the control of the non-profit in 2020.

Factom® Open Node (Completed) - Factom® Open Node is a public, decentralized, load-balanced factomd-node which provides an API to interact with the Factom blockchain protocol. It is an alternative to hosting and maintaining your own factomd-node. It runs at https://factomd.net/

.NET Libary (Completed) - A .NET implementation of the Factom® API written in C#. The library is available here.


Java Enterprise Client Library (Completed) - The Java Enterprise Client Library is a library for java developers that allows for easy utilization of the Factom® protocol. It can be accessed here.

Second Blockchain Explorer
(Completed) - A second blockchain explorer created by TFA was deployed and can be accessed here.


Milestone 3 (Completed) - M3 is deployed. M3 is when decentralization of the protocol began. The full P2P consensus mechanism was released and the infrastructure to decentralize the protocol was distributed to the initial 12 Authority Node Operators (ANOs) of which Factom® Inc is one.


Milestone 3 Testnet (Completed) - Testnet release of M3 code.


Milestone 2

M2 (Completed)  - M2 provided the initial P2P network running on 8 Federated Servers controlled by Factom® Inc.


Milestone 1

M1 (Completed) - M1 was the initial beta release of the Factom® protocol which ran on one server operated by the Factom® Foundation.
Roadmap last updated: Q4 2019. Next Update: Q1 2020

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