Rutherford Graphic Products (RGP) is a privately held company formed in 2000. They have driven innovation to fit the evolution of the printing industry and to increase its efficiency, simplicity, and accuracy. X-Rite partners with Rutherford, and other third-party software solutions, to help printers around the world automate press production to achieve higher marketability and efficiency.

Watch the video to learn how IntelliTrax2 works with Rutherford Closed-Loop Software.

What is Closed-Loop Press Automation?

Closed-loop automates the printing process by capturing spectral data directly from the press sheet and automatically updating the ink keys. It is much faster and more accurate than a traditional press workflow.

A closed-loop solution:

  • Measures colour bars faster with less chance of human error
  • Transmits colour data to the press operator
  • Monitors colour consistency during the run
  • Makes necessary ink key adjustments automatically

Benefits of Closed-Loop Press Automation

Together, Rutherford and X-Rite solutions help printers substantially reduce make-ready, decrease the number of costly do-overs, cater to increased demands to produce accurate colour, and deliver in less time.

  • Minimizes operator intervention
  • Stabilizes the press for better quality and consistency
  • Reduces paper and ink expenses by getting up to colour faster
  • Makes short runs more profitable
  • Facilitates G7®  process control
  • Decreases give-backs and no-charge reruns
  • Reduces costs (30%+ paper savings, 30%+ less makeready time)
  • Integrates with the latest Pantone libraries and PantoneLIVE digital standards

Return on Investment

Not only is closed-loop press automation a more sustainable solution, it quickly pays for itself in just 3-11 months in time, paper, ink, and energy savings. Curious how much a closed-loop solution can save you?

Try our ROI calculator.


Closed-Loop Scanning Devices and Software

With a closed-loop press-side quality control solution, printers and packaging converters can ensure optimum colour quality. Each solution can be customized with the most appropriate X-Rite hardware and Rutherford software to meet specific needs for an end-to-end connected pressroom workflow.

X-Rite Colour Bar Scanning Devices

  • IntelliTrax2 Pro Automated Scanning System | For mid- to large-size commercial and folding carton printers
    Introducing IntelliTrax2 Pro into the press-side quality control process provides instant feedback on job performance with quality control reporting and G7®  compliance. See full specs.

  • eXact Auto-Scan Pro | For small- to mid-size printers
    The eXact Auto-Scan Pro scans with the press of a button and provides instant feedback on job performance, improved quality control reporting, and G7®  compliance. See full specs.

Rutherford Closed-Loop Software

  • IntelliPress2 | For commercial printers
    X-Rite colour measurement instruments with Easy Loop seamlessly accomplish the job as the press operator scans the colour bar on a press sheet to get spectral and density data. IntelliPress2 provides flexible pre-press job naming convention, auto-key compensation, auto-learning by paper-type, and ink key and spot colour management.

  • IntelliPack | For packaging and web
    Rutherford IntelliSet includes a separate computer (the PreOPS) to automatically process CIP or TIFF files sent from prepress. The IntelliSet software applies learned, individualized curves for each ink key to achieve uniform flatness on the sheet so all the fountain keys will not open in the same proportion. IntelliLoop in conjunction with X-Rite measuring devices maintain the right colour throughout the run.

Learn More

We invite you to see what others have to say about an X-Rite + Rutherford closed-loop solution. Read our success stories.

Products Referenced in this Custom Page


IntelliTrax2 Pro

Premier Press Side Scanning Solution


eXact Auto-Scan Pro

Press-Side Scanning Solution

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