8 foods that aren't as healthy as you may believe

 like to categorize foods as "healthy" or "unhealthy." But it isn't always so straightforward, because some meals aren't as healthy as we formerly believed.

Sweets are bad for us, but fruits and veggies are beneficial for us, right? Unfortunately, it isn't always so straightforward. Because, as the legendary physician Paracelsus understood, the poison is determined by the dose. Because there are foods that are beneficial to us in tiny amounts but can be harmful in huge amounts. Furthermore, because no two people are alike, our diet is likewise a highly personal subject.

Nonetheless, there are several foods on which experts can agree on the health benefits. And some that aren't quite as healthy as we've always assumed.

These eight foods aren't as healthy as you might think.

1. peas 

Peas are one of the starchiest veggies available. As a result, they contain far more carbohydrates and calories than other vegetables. If you want to have a balanced diet, you should limit your consumption of peas.

2. broccoli

Broccoli, a cruciferous vegetable, has numerous health benefits, including being low in calories and high in vitamins B, C, and K, as well as calcium and potassium. However, broccoli is heavy in fiber, which can only be digested in the large intestine. This can cause stomach issues like flatulence. Those with irritable bowel syndrome, for example, should exercise caution.

3. agave nectar

Agave syrup, also known as agave nectar, is a popular sugar substitute. Is it, however, really that much healthier? Certainly not. Because agave syrup has fewer calories and glucose than table sugar, it doesn't cause blood sugar levels to jump as quickly. However, agave syrup contains a lot of fructose, which is equally as bad as glucose in big amounts.

4. the fruit

When it comes to sugar, most people only think of fruits in terms of the vitamins they provide. Fruit, especially dates, cherries, and bananas, as well as dried fruit in general, are generally high in sugar. As a result, it's best to eat these fruits in moderation and instead choose low-sugar fruits such as berries. And, of course, this sugar is hidden.

5. aubergine

Eggplants are high in fiber and low in calories, thus they provide certain health benefits. When cooked, however, they can become loaded with fat and spices, and therefore become a hidden calorie trap. As a result, you should be cautious about what you pair the vegetables with.

6. grains of rice

Rice is frequently thought of as a lower-carbohydrate option than, say, spaghetti. However, the healthiness of the rice grain is determined by how it is treated. The husk, so-called silver skin, and germ are removed from traditional white rice, leaving only the starchy interior of the rice grain, and the white rice is devoid of nutrition.

Because it is soaked and treated with steam pressure before husking, so-called parboiled rice is already considerably healthier. The nutrients move to the inside of the grain in this manner, and the rice preserves around 80% of its vitamins and minerals. Whole grain rice, often known as brown rice, is the healthiest type of rice. Because the grain is still intact and includes all of the essential vitamins, fiber, and other nutrients.

7. Low-fat and light-weight foods

Many people like diet meals and light versions of things like yogurt, cheese, and so on. However, because the makers choose to compensate for the missing fat in taste with sugar or sweeteners, these are usually not as healthy as the full-fat versions.

8. oils derived from plants

Many people avoid using butter because they believe it increases their risk of cardiovascular disease. Instead, they fry and cook with rapeseed or sunflower oil. The issue with vegetable oils is that they are high in polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acids, which are harmful. They can, for example, increase inflammation in the body if they are not balanced by the healthy omega-3 fatty acids. These oils are also frequently heavily processed, which makes them healthier in any event.

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