
Before I sat down to write BRAVO, I wrote a short-story that was half-character study and half in service of a very good cause, that of supporting the Muskego Public Library. The short story in question, “The End is Never Pretty,” was first published inMurder and Mayhem in Muskego, edited by Jon and Ruth Jordan of Crimespree Magazine.

The story is part of the “Bell canon,” though it is not itself a story about Jad Bell at all, but rather about Petra Nessuno, who plays a very large and very crucial part in the new novel. Petra herself recounts a somewhat edited version of this story to Bell in the course of BRAVO. The story served as the introduction of Petra and Heath both, as well as an explanation as to how Petra ends up where she is at the start of the novel. It is by no means required reading to enjoy BRAVO, but it certainly is, as they say, “value added content.”

Hope you enjoy it!


The End is Never Pretty - PDF version
The End is Never Pretty - ebook version
The End is Never Pretty - mobi version

I’m not saying you have to download this free short story by Greg Rucka. I’m just saying that I can’t think of a compelling reason for why you wouldn’t.

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