Hot Wheels teased its forthcoming Star Wars toy line back in May. The great unveiling takes place this week at the annual San Diego Comic-Con, and as promised, a life-size version of the Darth Vader car will be on hand.

RELATED: Darth Vader leads onslaught of Star Wars Hot Wheels cars

Hot Wheels unveiled it today, and it's suitably Vader-y.

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Built atop a C5 Corvette chassis, the real-life car mimics its palm-sized counterpart perfectly, right down to its lightsaber side pipes and red wheel trim. It also makes Darth Vader breathing sounds and reportedly can drive at speeds up to 80 mph. Ideally, it would also have the ability to force-choke errant, terrible drivers.

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Alas, the real-life Sithmobile is just a one-off. We'll have to settle for the toys, which hit store shelves in October.

Alex Nunez

NYC native, now in suburban exile. Miami Hurricanes alum. Brown-car evangelist. Beleaguered Knicks fan. Prefers IndyCar to F1. Wants you to stop clogging the left lane, already.