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Learning that’s truly mind-blowing.

There’s a lot to wonder about. What do birds really sing? What happens at the business end of a black hole? Whose bright idea was it to build Stonehenge? At Wondrium, get answers to all this and more—anytime, anywhere. Try 14 days of learning on us.

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Traveling The Roman Empire
Charlemagne: Father of Europe
In the Footsteps of Vincent van Gogh
Music Theory: The Foundation of Great Music
Practical Geology
Great Board Games of the Ancient World
Think like a Stoic: Ancient Wisdom for Today's World
England: From the Fall of Rome to the Norman Conquest
How to Speak So That People Want to Listen

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Wondrium is the result of the folks behind The Great Courses stepping away from the podium to create even better, broader, bigger, and more mind-blowing educational experiences—and giving you even more reasons to love learning.
We really want you to love us, so we’re giving you a chance to take a test drive, kick the tires, sample the goods, all for free. Your free trial gives you access to the entire Wondrium catalog of videos on all your favorite devices—Roku, FireTV, Android phones, and Apple phones and tablets. Well, almost all your favorite devices. You won’t be able to find us on your Etch A Sketch®.

After your free trial ends, your credit card will be billed based on the membership plan that you have selected. Decided you already know everything that is worth knowing and there’s nothing in the world you wonder about? Well then, cancelling is easy. Just visit the My Account page where you can cancel in a few simple steps. If you cancel during the free trial period, you will retain access until your free trial period ends and you won’t ever be billed.

To paraphrase our friendly neighborhood superhero: “with great memberships, come great benefits.” Joining the Wondrium world gives you access to thousands of entertaining, engaging, and educational videos across hundreds of topics, with new content added every month. But you have probably already figured that out or you wouldn’t be here. So, if that’s not enough, here is a quick peek at a few of the other benefits that come along with being a Wondrium member..

  • Free Digital Guidebooks - Whether you want to check the spelling of a complicated term, access the ingredients list, consider questions beyond the curriculum, test your knowledge, master vocabulary terms, or try some suggested reading recommendations, our guidebooks are a great resource above and beyond the video lessons. Available for many of our courses—simple download at no additional cost.
  • Wondrium Magazine - This quarterly magazine provides the inside scoop on new content, interviews with the experts, behind-the-scenes stories, exclusive features, sneak peeks, and so much more. And when we say magazine we mean magazine – it’s a real thing you can touch that will show up in your mailbox, not an online “magazine”. It rounds out your total Wondrium experience.
  • Audio Streaming - Take your learning on the go! Wondrium offers seamless audio streaming in our mobile apps so you don’t have to stop learning, even if you can’t watch your favorite videos. Explore English while exercising, consider Confucius while commuting, or build business skills in the bath.
  • Discounts Galore - Save money and get free shipping on products from The Great Courses

You’ve got options! We offer a monthly plan, a quarterly plan, or an annual plan. Every plan offers a free trial, unlimited streaming, the benefits listed above (and more), and it’s easy to cancel at any time if you really, really want to. Visit our plans page if you want the deets about each plan.


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