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Create a better playlist in seconds with Songs Live X

Want to create a quick playlist to share with fans? Perhaps it includes a new track alongside similar music or it could celebrate a holiday or event.

Maybe you’re just tired of the playlists delivered by Spotify’s algorithms.

Whatever your playlist goal, Songs Like X offers a fast and simple alternative.

Go to, type in a song (your own or just one you like), and hit enter. You can customize the track order as well as change the artwork and description in Spotify, if you want to.

The resulting custom playlist starts with your chosen track, followed by 50 randomly selected tunes that sound similar.

Jocelyn & Chris Arndt

Here is a playlist of mostly indie tracks created by Songs Like X based on “Sugar & Spice,” the new track from up-and-comers Jocelyn & Chris.

Bruce Houghton is Founder and Editor of Hypebot and MusicThinkTank and serves as a Senior Advisor to Bandsintown which acquired both publications in 2019. He is the Founder and President of the Skyline Artists Agency and a professor for the Berklee College Of Music.

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