Addicted to IATE? Get it now in TBX at


download iate.tbxTermCoord is happy to announce its newly added feature, namely a widget to download IATE in TBX format!

Let’s see why we are so happy about this!

You might have come across this acronym many times and yet you still wonder what the concept behind it is. Well, TBX stands for TermBase eXchange and it is an international standard defined in ISO 30042:2008 as a system to manage terminology, knowledge and content.

When making use of the term standard, this immediately reflects the character of something being universally or widely accepted. And indeed, TBX was designed to be a vendor-neutral format for the interchange (eXchange) of terminological data.

The separation of data and vendor-specific software is an important management principle and the main purpose of TBX is to enable any user to access, display, update and exchange terminological data. This is done independently of what application is used for terminology management.

In this sense, TBX offers software interoperability and many advantages for data mining, authoring and translation activities.

Since IATE is the largest terminology resource in the world, there is no doubt that many of you will be pleased to download it and import it into the translation tool of your preference.

In this link from the EU Open Data Portal you will not only find the zip file to download IATE but also information on the data structure and the data categories included in the TBX file as well as some further specific details.

We hope you can profit a lot from this marvelous resource!





Written by Carolina Dunaevsky
Sworn Translator DE – ES
MA Terminology and Language Technology