About Tech Tuesday

Audi Pacific is proud to announce Tech Tuesdays, a monthly owner event that will help you take full advantage of the technology available in your Audi. Our Audi Pacific technologist will present a 20-minute overview of a topic such as Audi's cutting-edge Clean Diesel Technology, BlueTooth, Google navigation and MMI. The informal Q&A session that follows is a great way to get answers to your specific questions. Come if you own an Audi or if you just want to learn more about Audi. Either way, there is no charge to attend. 
Tech Tuesdays are held the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm.

This Month's Event

Voice Commands

Tuesday, August 12th, 2014  5:30pm - 8:00pm

Learn the basics of your Audi's greatest tool, the Audi MMI System.  20 minute presentation followed by Q&A.