Dealing with Anxiety Attacks: Simple Ways of Staying Calm

Author: 50minutes.Com Pages: 31 Size: 1.01 MB Format: EPUB Publisher: 50 Minutes
Published: 26 November, 2018
eISBN-13: 9782808011358

Between 4 and 7% of the population suffers from anxiety, meaning a generalised sense of fear and nervousness that can lead to anxiety attacks if the sufferer is exposed to a particularly stressful situation. These attacks are characterised by a spiralling sensation of panic and impending doom, and leave victims feeling emotionally, mentally and physically exhausted. This guide provides a clear, simple explanation of a range of techniques that can reduce general levels of anxiety, thus making a fully-fledged anxiety attack less likely, as well as an introduction to a number of breathing exercises that can help you break out of an ongoing anxiety attack.