Questioning The Status Quo Of Content Marketing, Traffic, Social Reach and SEO

When it comes to blogs, content creation and digital marketing, most content marketers are trying to achieve one main thing – TRAFFIC. You develop quality content for your audience in the hopes that you can generate new traffic and then repeat traffic that returns often. Mostly this is done through SEO, social reach and email subscriptions that connect your created content with those that find it interesting, relevant and valuable.

For the professional blogger, big brands or content sites, all of this comes together through high volumes of frequent new content, multiple authors and massive traffic. With very little budget, the average business, marketer or brand is often competing in all Status Quo of SEO and Content Marketingareas of online marketing, including social media, SEO and email subscribers in an uphill battle for eyeballs. The resulting content marketing, social media and search quandary becomes a high school-like popularity contest with few winners.

Popular content becomes the driver without regard for quality and social media becomes flooded with people sharing the same piece of marginal content. The social graph is flooded every day with shares of blogs, articles and news from the same sites and writers, which often contain tired, reused story ideas. Does this sound familiar?

Here are some questions we are asking ourselves:

  • For Social Marketers:

1) Is there a difference between recent/popular and recent/relevant content?

2) If curating recent/popular content drives more clicks and shares, does it also result in the desired engagement and relationships with your target audience?

3) Does curating the same popular content sources/authors day after day achieve real net results?

  • For Content Creators:

1) Is most popular search results benefiting the content creator as much as driving Pay Per Click competition for an advertising platform?

2) Does “tribal” sharing really achieve measurable results, clicks, views and expanded social reach of/by your intended audience?

3) Does the status quo effectively get your content in front of both your target audience and those that need it for curation?

Should the Status Quo Somehow Evolve?

As we continually ponder these questions at Bundle Post, we are also considering answers that have the opportunity to level the playing field between big brands, content sites and the average blogger, writer and brand.

  • Are there more questions we should be asking?
  1. What would it look like if content marketing, blog traffic and SEO were turned on its head to better benefit content creators, curators and the content consumer?
  2. What if there was an easier way for content creators to get their content in the hands of those that need to curate it, thereby expanding their social reach with their actual target audience?
  3. What if all the great content that is often undiscovered could better compete with the recent/popular content sites?
  4. How would content marketing, SEO and traffic evolve effectively if most recent/relevant quality content, not popularity became the bar?
  5. How can something like the Bundle Post RSS Project be used to positively impact brands, curators, consumers and social media marketers?

We are purposefully not answering some of the questions because we want to know what you think. We’d love your input and ideas.


10 thoughts on “Questioning The Status Quo Of Content Marketing, Traffic, Social Reach and SEO

  1. Agreed. I’m personally saturated. Everyone doing the same. Following what lead (popular/older) sites do leads to more of the same for targets. People are becoming numb to emails and sm feeds.

    Keywords+number of words per post + Stats + graph quality should be part of an algorithm to filter “best” posts.

    Veronica Athanasiou All social profiles URL /oroklinidesign


  2. Nice article. You ask good questions. I’ve been commenting to my clients that old SEO isn’t going to work the same anymore. Since the launch of hummingbird, I’ve seen high traffic, massively optimized sites fall off search results while other low traffic sites see their bounce rates decrease by 10-15% but rate of traffic remains relatively the same. Your headline provokes the right mindset – I believe sem is in for some radical changes.
    Ray Wyman

  3. I get calls from customers who obviously have barely skimmed my website. I know for sure they are not going to read blog posts. Is it OK to have nothing get read, as long as the customers still find you? Are we really writing mainly for an audience of searching and sorting computers? Good questions, but a bigger question is who is in charge of this change? It’s glaringly obvious that something must, will and is changing. Sadly, it also seems pretty obvious that all we can do is ride the wave, see where it takes us and try our best to survive.

    1. I agree, but disagree Thom. In fact WE are making a huge change. Did you check the RSS project link? We are in the midst of creating something that can and will change content marketing and definitely want feedback on these questions…

  4. I have also noticed quite a lot of repetitive content online as the demand for it increases. One way people are mixing it up is to infuse their own personal experiences or amusing anecdotes into factual content. If it is done well, the content is more interesting and tends to be shared frequently.

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