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32 Of Your Childhood Toys That Are Worth An Absolute Fortune Now

At least on eBay. Better start digging through mom's basement.

1. Tamagotchi:

2. Your best Pokemon card:

3. A Jurassic Park toy:

4. Polly Pocket:

5. Gameboy Color:

6. These skates:

7. This castle:

8. Hit-Clips:

9. A Furby:

10. Super Soaker:

11. Easy Bake Oven:

12. Dear Diary:

13. Mario Kart 64:

14. Lego Pirate Ship:

15. Teddy Ruxpin:

16. Moon Shoes:

17. Hot Shot Basketball:

18. Crossfire:

19. Power Rangers action figure:

20. Digimon:

21. Lite Brite:

22. Sky Dancer:

23. Dream Phone:

24. Skip-it:

25. Talkboy:

26. Street Sharks:

27. A Nickelodeon alarm clock:

28. A can of Surge:

29. Sega Genesis:

30. Your Hot Wheels collection:

31. Your Ninja Turtles action figure:

32. Betty Spaghetty:

33. But hey, look on the bright side: Your Beanie Babies are still worthless.