The Different Stages of Progress in Golf

8 stages

The Different Stages of Progress in Golf

by Matt Goodwin for Hix Magazine

Golf is a tricky game to master. To the uninformed, the game looks fairly simple and easy to get the hang of. However, mastering swing technique and overall golfing skills can take years. If you’re just starting to play, it’ll be a couple of decades before you can play with the big dogs. Because of this, golf is known as a lifetime game. Everyone starts in the same place. Passionate and dedicated players will work for years to reach their full potential. Where golfers end up in terms of skills is up to them.

There are a number of different stages of golf progress. These stages give golfers a better idea of where their skills stand in the grand scope of the game. It’s a good way to monitor progression and understand what needs to be worked on to move onto the next stage. The first stage begins when a golfer gets their very first set of clubs and starts to learn all there is to know about the game. Players will then progress throughout the years, hitting certain momentous milestones along the way.

The stages aren’t concrete, but rather a guide on how average players will develop their skills. Some golfers will whiz through particular stages with ease while others may take a bit longer. Of course, natural ability plays a big role in overall success. Not only that but some golfers have the time and expenses to invest in the game while others do not. With that being said, anyone can move through the stages of progression to reach their full potential.

Check out this infographic from Hix Magazine on how the average golfer advances through each stage of progress. Each level has a milestone that golfers need to push themselves toward. Hitting the milestone signifies that they’ve reached the next stage. While it may take a lifetime to complete, moving through the stages of progress gives golfers something to work towards for golfing success.

Stages of improvement in golf

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