When was the last time you changed a cabin air filter in your auto? If you’ve never had it replaced or it’s been a long time, you’ll want to have it taken care of and here’s why.  The cabin air filter’s job is to clean the air that comes into your vehicle through the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. It is responsible for filtering road dust, pollen, and other airborne particulate so you don’t breath in these contaminants as you’re driving.

The photograph to the right is of a dirty cabin filter. Just like air filters in your home heating/AC system, your vehicle’s cabin air filter must be replaced regularly. A dirty, clogged cabin filter won’t be able to trap airborne allergens, dirt, & dust. That means you are breathing in air filled with environmental contaminants. If you suffer from allergies or asthma, you will begin to find a ride in your car very unpleasant.

Manufacturers recommend the replacement of cabin air filters every 12,000 to 15,000 miles.  If you drive in a particularly dusty area (like on dirt roads), you may have to replace the filter more often. This is also true if you drive in heavy traffic. In these cases, you will probably want to have the cabin air filter changed at least once a year.

How do you know if you need a new cabin air filter? You will find that your HVAC system has  reduced air flow. You may also experience some noise from the system when you turn the fan to higher levels.

How simple is it to change a cabin air filter?  Check your owner’s manual for the location in your vehicle. Many cabin air filters can be found behind the glove box and can be replaced quite easily.  Others may be located under the dashboard or under the hood and may be a little more difficult to access.

The automotive repair technicians at Country Road Automotive, in Lincoln Park, New Jersey, would be happy to check and replace your cabin air filter during your next visit to our shop. We’ll be happy to show you the old filter. You may be surprised by how much dirt and debris is attached to the filter.