
Whether you’re booking a flight, hotel or rental car, KAYAK searches hundreds of other travel sites at once to find you the information you need to make the right decisions. You probably already know us for search, but did you know that KAYAK can also help you better organize your entire trip from start to finish? Check out these 6 tips on how to better organize your next trip.

  1. Easily share your trip ideas with others. If you need to crowdsource opinions or are trying to plan a group trip, our “Share” function allows you to easily get the job done. Just look for the “Share” button in the details of each of your preferred flight, hotel or car results and start sharing away.
  2. Organize your travel (and life) with KAYAK Trips. An upcoming trip shouldn’t mean a messy inbox. KAYAK Trips is your free personal travel assistant that organizes all of your booking details (including loyalty program and confirmation numbers) in one easy-to-read itinerary. Need to share your plans with others? Easily send your itinerary to whomever you choose.
  3. Add events to your KAYAK Trips itinerary, no matter where they were booked. Whether you’re heading to a concert, gallery opening, conference or the beach, you can add any event to your Trips itinerary, regardless of where it was booked. If you’re a Gmail user, you can even activate Trips Email Sync and turn booking confirmation emails and receipts into itineraries, automatically. Other users can simply forward these confirmations to and the event will automatically be added to your schedule. If you don’t have a receipt (or like to keep it old school) you can always enter the details by hand.
  4. Save searches to review later. Find a rate you like but not sure if it’s right? Click the “Save” star on individual results to quickly add your favorite flight, hotel and rental car options to your KAYAK Trips account. Continue browsing and book later or review your options and pick the best one for you.
  5. Stay up to date on your flight status. Did you ever get up crazy early only to learn at the airport that your flight was canceled?KAYAK Trips provides alerts to notify you of what’s important when traveling, like flight cancellations, delays and gate changes.
  6. Plan your trip wherever you are with the KAYAK app. The KAYAK app takes the power of our desktop site and adds airport navigation, flight tracking and other useful tools that help you get where you’re going when you’re on-the-go.

Looking for more? Our Travel Hacker Blog takes our site’s wealth of travel data and keeps you informed with regular insights, trends and tips. Connect with us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for the latest travel information. Travel Problem Solved.