ILI tracks update - 4 weeks to go
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Only 4 weeks until London’s ILI
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Kate Torney
Kate Torney, CEO of Australia’s State Library in Victoria, on how we’re embracing disruption and why we should shout about it.
David White
David White, Head of Technology Enhanced Learning at the UK’s University of the Arts, on how we should react to the Web’s ‘think less, find more’ values.
A reminder of what we’ll be talking about in London in just four weeks’ time:

THE NEW LIBRARY, THE NEW LIBRARIAN – explore the strategies, teams, skills, services and collaboration that global librarians are using to ensure they stay at the cutting edge

USERS, UX AND USAGE – understand how libraries are working with users to redesign services, spaces, and understand usage

CONTENT CREATIVITY – investigate how libraries are creating, curating, publishing and marketing digital collections, and how they are driving collaborative content creation

FIGHT THE FAKE, FIND THE FACTS – celebrate two librarian superpowers – advanced search techniques and nurturing information integrity – in a post-truth/multi-truth era

MARKETING THE LIBRARY – hear stories from librarians who are influencing use and expanding audiences, from the DJ librarian to the digital storyteller

NEW SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATIONS – understand how the scholarly communications landscape is changing, and what this means for libraries and info pros

Plus ILI EXTRA, a series of supplementary one-hour workshops and activities covering a wide range of specialised skills – from tech topics to personal development

And don’t forget our full day workshop options - Websearch Academy 2017 and Marketing your library service: principles and actions.

Full programme here, and check out our generous 40% multi delegate discounts
Platinum Sponsor
Gale, Cengage Learning
Gold Sponsors
BBC Monitoring Content Online The IP Registry
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