Nuestra Casa: The Final Stretch

Nuestra Casa Neighborhood Center

Progress on Nuestra Casa neighborhood center as of March 2014

It’s spring! The snow is melting and the temperatures are rising. Who’s up for some volunteer work days at Nuestra Casa neighborhood center?

It’s amazing how much progress has been made, thanks to the teams of tireless volunteers and leaders–including many volunteers from Women’s Service Day. Check out how Nuestra Casa has transformed through time and energy donated by our volunteers:

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We’ve reached our fundraising goal, so we can keep our momentum going. Now let’s get ‘er done!

Beginning Saturday, March 29, we have several crews scheduled to work. You can join one that’s planned or you can create your own. Sign up as a volunteer or crew leader. Bring your friends, your family, your work team, or your book group. There are lots of Saturdays available late spring and early summer (except for May 10 because of Tulip Time).

The Women’s Service Day team is managing work days. If you’re interested in volunteering either as a crew leader or on a crew, please contact:

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