Our Fifth Annual New York Times Found Poetry Student Contest

Blossoms on the red maple, a tree that produces flowers after even the coldest winters. Related Article Credit Dave Taft

Update: June 3 | Winners have been announced!

It’s been a long, cold winter, but there is no more reliable sign of spring on The Learning Network than our annual found poem contest.

Created in April 2010 to celebrate National Poetry Month, the contest is our oldest blog tradition, and one we’re thrilled to see teachers across the curriculum embrace.

So, students, celebrate the new season by putting on some floaty fabrics, smelling some local flowers and finding some verse — in whatever section of The New York Times interests you most.

Below, an F.A.Q. with this year’s rules, some tips and a great idea from a middle-school teacher.

FAQ: Rules and Tips


What’s a found poem?


A good nutshell description would be “poems that are composed from words and phrases found in another text.” A New York Times found poem, then, uses words and phrases taken from one or more Times articles, past or present — and since the paper has been publishing since 1851, choosing which Times article(s) to use is often the hardest part.

You can mix and combine these words and phrases into a new piece, or you might simply “find” some Times writing that you think is already poetic, as Alan Feuer does with Craigslist and its “Missed Connections” posts.

For more detail about found poetry and its history and classroom uses, we suggest an article from English Journal, “Found Poems and Headline Poems.” (PDF)


What are the rules for the contest?


Each poem must be 14 or fewer lines.

You may give it your own original title if you like.

New 2014 rule: You may use no more than two New York Times articles as source material.

The poem itself should use no more than two of your own words. The rest of the words and phrases can be mixed up any way you like, but should come from any Times article or articles, past or present. (Note: We check.)

You might choose to write in a traditional poetic form, or not.

One poem per person, and no group submissions, please.

You must be between 13 and 19 years of age but can come from anywhere in the world.

Don’t include your last name: Our privacy rules apply to every student contest on the blog. Although if you win, you can have your last name included in the announcement.

Post your poem to our comments section below by 5 p.m. Eastern time on April 29.

At the bottom of your found-poem post, please provide us with the URL(s) of the article(s) you used.

Note: Our commenting system doesn’t recognize fancy spacing, so using words to create interesting shapes is, unfortunately, not an option.

Update: Though via our Text to Text and Poetry Pairing features, The Learning Network often publishes excerpts from literary and historical works on our blog, those are off-limits for this contest. The Times articles they are paired with are, of course, fair game.


What makes a great found poem? How do you choose the winners?


You can scroll through the work of all 43 students who have won so far here. Our criteria this year will be the same as always, so keep in mind what we said in the first “Reflections” post.

And remember, too, that in a poem, every word, line break and mark of punctuation carries meaning, so have fun experimenting with repetition of words, alliteration, assonance or anything else that enhances what you would like to say.

Here is an interactive tool you might use to play with the words of your poem before you submit it: ReadWriteThink’s Word Mover.


Any ideas for teaching with this contest?


Lots. See the question below about teaching it across the curriculum.

But we also want to highlight an ingenious idea sent to us by Missy Provost, a teacher at Portsmouth Middle School in New Hampshire, who wrote to us after the contest ended last year to explain how she used the work of the artist and writer Austin Kleon to inspire her students.

In the video above, Mr. Kleon describes how he creates what he calls Newspaper Blackout Poetry. Though our contest allows you to mix the words up and his method does not, we couldn’t describe better ourselves what we’re hoping for in a great found poem.

Here is how Mr. Kleon puts it in the video:

My joy when I’m making them is to somehow really play off that article. To either completely transform the raw material of the article into my own poem so that the poem doesn’t even resemble the original article, or to in some way kind of parody the article, or twist the article into a different meaning.

But it’s really about the transformation of the material. If I was taking the article and just summarizing it into a poem, that wouldn’t be very interesting. But it’s the transformation of this thing — this nonfictional, journalistic artifact — taking that and turning it into something very personal that’s mine, that I feel like could have come out of me.

That’s the real play of the activity, and that’s the real joy.

And here is an example of Mr. Kleon’s work, created from a page of The New York Times. It is titled “Overheard on the Titanic”:

"Overheard on the Titanic," a newspaper blackout poem by Austin Kleon.Credit Austin Kleon

Missy Provost was inspired by newspaper blackout poetry, and created her own classroom-friendly version to walk her middle-school students through the process. Here is what she did:

I read “The Art of Being Still”, an essay by Silas House from the “Draft” series. We used this piece of text for both the inspiration of its content as well as to create a bank of words for the Found Poetry Contest.

First, I read the text and divided it up into manageable chunks for my students. I then printed the piece and put it inside sheet protectors. Next, students used dri-erase markers to “black out” portions of the text, the way Austin Kleon does, and focused on leaving words that would create an interesting found poem. Using the dri-erase markers made it very easy for them to edit during the drafting process.

After my students decided on their final versions, I did one of two things. I gave some classes a clean copy of the text to black out with a marker to create a final found poem. Other classes I challenged to take the “found” words and lines and rework them into new poems, which they then submitted to the contest.

Students found success by creating poems without having to add their own words to paper, and for many this was a liberating exercise. They were so proud and impressed with what was left on the paper after they practiced “blacking out” the text.


How do I find a focus for my poem with the entire New York Times to choose from?


It’s true you can choose any Times article ever published for this challenge, and one of our favorites the first year used an article from 1892. But the nine others we liked best that year chose much more recent work, and that’s fine, too.

Your poem can be on any topic or theme you like. It can be about something as broad as food or as specific as the Cronut.

It can focus on something currently in the news, or you can use the Times archives or On This Day in History to write about the past.

You can explore a trend you’ve read about in The Times, or you might simply collect words and phrases from different articles around a theme like identity, loss or joy.


How and when do I post my poem?


Between today, March 27, and Tuesday, April 29, at 5 p.m. Eastern time, use the comment area below to send in your found poem. We’ll choose winners to be featured on the blog as soon as we can thereafter.


How do I participate in this contest if I don’t have a digital subscription to NYTimes.com?


NYTimes.com’s digital subscription system gives readers free access to 10 articles each month. If you exceed that limit, you will be asked to become a digital subscriber.

One thing you should know, however, is that The Learning Network and all its posts, as well as all Times articles linked from them, are accessible without a digital subscription. That means that if you use any of the articles we have linked to on this blog for your found-poem project, they will not count as part of the 10-article limit.

In addition, keep in mind that you need only one great Times article to create a great found poem.


I’m not an English teacher. Can this contest help me address the Common Core Standards in my subject area?



The process of creating a found poem entails closely reading sophisticated nonfiction writing in order to first identify salient words and details, then recombine those words to create something that summarizes, reacts to or comments on the topic.

So, if you’re studying climate change in your science classroom, for example, having students work with one or more articles from the related Times Topics page can be a creative way of having them “determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development and summarize the key supporting details and ideas” or “analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics.”

Creating the poem itself, by deciding what to say and how to say it, might then satisfy the standard that asks that students “apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style.”

Last year we got many science-themed poems, on topics from the human brain to dragonflies, the “God particle,” and the origins of the universe. And judging by the many history-themed poems we receive every year, social studies teachers need little convincing that the contest can be a useful way to spur close reading of primary sources. For instance, 2012 was the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, and that year we received many poems that used both historic and current Times reporting on the event.

Here are some other ways we’ve suggested using found poetry in our social studies-themed lesson plans:


I have to prove to my teacher that I did this assignment. How do I find my entry?


We apologize in advance: It’s not easy to search the comments on this blog. Please look for your submission online within 24 hours of sending it to us, then either take a screen shot, or note the unique URL for your post. That can be found by clicking the time stamp next to your name. (Because of the expected volume of submissions, if you wait longer than 24 hours it will be much harder to find.)

Good luck, and please post any questions you might have below. We’ll answer them there.


This resource may be used to address the academic standards listed below.

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Found Poetry Student contest? Well, I suppose poetry students can be found in high schools, in English departments of colleges, and just hangin on the street corner. Your headline contains a misplaced modifier — student.

Love this. What plant is in Dave Taft’s photograph?

Hi Nan — It’s the red maple, and your question made me realize that I should have added that as a caption. Fixed, and thank you! –Katherine

For the Found Poem Contest, can you use an excerpt from a book in an NYTimes article (The Learning Network – Teaching and Learning With The New York Times
Text to Text | ‘The Book Thief’ and ‘Auschwitz Shifts From Memorializing to Teaching’

Robbie — Great question, and one I should have anticipated. You can use the Times article that’s part of that Text to Text (“Auschwitz Shifts From Memorializing to Teaching”), but not the excerpt from “The Book Thief.” The intent of the contest is, of course, to encourage teenagers to explore Times, not outside materials we’ve brought in via curriculum on this blog. (This means the poems in our Poetry Pairings are off-limits too.) Thank you for asking, and I’ll add a note to the rules. — Katherine

Title: The Beauty of Pain

Pain is a curious hurricane, terrible and heavy,
A screaming, troubled elegance, firm and yet already,
Shattering our resistance, but giving
Us instead, the nature to dream of living,
Broken, yet not dead,
And to clean mirrors splattered
With the trials of our lives,
And things we always looked for
But never came to find.
Indeed, far worse than a broken heart in pain
Is a heart that died and turned to stone
And never yet came
To feel the blasting beauty of a striking star
A marvelous clarity, infinitely shocking, exploding from the heart.

Own words: broken & died
Links: //www.nytimes.com/2012/11/25/fashion/modern-love-learning-to-love-again-after-the-affair.html?pagewanted=1&contentCollection=Homepage&t=qry318%23/beg%20choose/&version&action=click&region=Masthead&module=SearchSubmit&url=//query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&pgtype=Homepage



Sink after hitting.
Plunge to the bottom, there too late.
Woman and children, others stand by.
Only after the disaster, morning calls for help.
Life boats, wreckage, steamship afloat.
34 miles due south, 655 souls were saved.
Titanic, sinking at the head.
Distress signals
Cool, clear-headed, and perfectly formed.
The last signals heard.
A few blurred signals.
The Titanic ended abruptly.
Link: //www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/big/0415.html#headlines

Hi, My students and I are wondering if the contest will allow compound words to be broken. For example, if “sunflower” is in the Times article, might the poet “break” it and use “sun” and “flower” as separate words?
Thank you!
Sarah B

Hi Sarah — Yes, that’s fine. We’re not that strict: we’re more interested in poets having a good time and creating something wonderful than in nailing students for tiny infractions. Thank you for asking, though, and for participating! –Katherine

Title: Backyard Genocide

I have seen so much
this does not shock me.
I no longer feel fear.
Too weak to do anything,
“He chokes when he speaks.”
I witnessed when they hacked them
and put them in a pit.
I knew some of them.
It’s unbelievable seeing your neighbor
hacked to death.
I cannot hold back my anger and pain.
It has hurt my heart so much.

Own word: I
Links: //www.nytimes.com/1994/06/03/world/heart-of-rwanda-s-darkness-slaughter-at-a-rural-church.html

Is there a prize for the winning poem? Just curious. Thank you.

Hi Mike — The only prize we offer is publication on the blog. –Katherine

A life breaks down into epochs,
with bright dividing lines between them.
There’s the period of impotence and innocence,
at least there was for me.
We came to the city that never sleeps; we never slept either.
Chronic fatigue, it’s an obsessive-compulsive’s dream,
suddenly, what had once seemed slimy now seemed silky,
and a shade of crimson previously lurid to my eyes was positively gemlike.
Fresh silk, an influence made manifest in the fabric-covered walls.
Calm and low-key, we’re built to be wary of something novel,
but once it’s not, adoration dissolves.



A Reader’s Lament

People like to try.
Some you swat away others you devour
Can’t and Won’t
Witty in a cosmic way
What is attractive to madmen?
Uncertainty, Lack of confidence
Topic by topic
A cultural history of America, a kind of genius wit.
Intoxicating effect. I’m not interested
Can’t and Won’t
Spare me your imagination, your vivid imagination
Enjoy it. It will pass.
Consume it, be empty again.
Until next time.

Own Words: Until, Time, be
Links: //www.nytimes.com/2014/04/02/books/lydia-daviss-cant-and-wont.html?ref=books

Why America Weeps
By Camilo Durr

When the first shot rang out
“Oh god” Oh no” “He’s shot”
Struck down by a sniper

Blood stained stockings
A bullet in the throat
A gaping wound

Mrs. Kennedy, your husband President John F. Kennedy
died approximately 1 o’clock central standard
time toady here in Dallas

Dead, shot
34 words, an oath

“Ok, let’s get this plane back to Washington”


Until we get conclusive evidence of debris, it is just a guess.
We cannot be certain of success
Everything from beginning to end
Getting answers won’t be easy or quick
Police investigation continues, fruitless
Nearly two dozen ships and aircraft
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Hopes for a breakthrough
‘Till hell freezes over’
Weeks of combing vast areas of ocean
So far no sign of the plane.
It could take months, it could take years.
The clock is ticking

Title: Teen Spirit

Venerable men will look at a young person like me
Regretfully, and say
How can this be?
Religious convictions died
In earnest today
We instead adopt something
Peculiar, we embrace irony
The sentiments of my generation
Manifest Teen Spirit
We understand Music and Angst, we are
Sold to the Indulgence of Culture
Venerable men will look at a young person like me
Regretfully, and say
How can this be?

My word: embrace

Enter link 1: //www.nytimes.com/1994/04/09/obituaries/kurt-cobain-hesitant-poet-of-grunge-rock-dead-at-27.html?action=click&module=Search&region=searchResults&src=pm&pagewanted=1

Enter link 2: //select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F50717FD3855177493C2A8178BD95F458584F9&action=click&module=Search&region=searchResults%230&version=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fquery.nytimes.com%2Fsearch%2Fsitesearch%2F%3Faction%3Dclick%26region%3DMasthead%26pgtype%3DSectionFront%26module%3DSearchSubmit%26contentCollection%3Dtodayspaper%26t%3Dqry211%23%2Fabolition%2Bof%2Bslavery%2Fsince1851%2Fallresults%2F1%2Fallauthors%2Foldest%2F

The Mets really want their fans to believe it,
And they want their players to believe it.
Opening day and optimism go.
To deliver a rallying cry:
“This team is now about being successful.”
As hitters prepared for a game
In which themselves strike out.
In some ways, the Mets has more power than anyone,
For a team that loses fans every year.

Two 18th-century cannons

Bringing back its big guns,
For most of the century, two 18th-century cannons
graced a bluff in the park, the overlooked Harlem Meer,
and fired at a museum near.
A cannonade or mortar,
the British fleet in New York, the Hussar ran aground
In treacherous East River currents and sank.
For two centuries the ship has attracted salvage.
The two cannons, languishing in salt water for as long as years .
The artillery originally, now the Parks on Fifth Avenue at 64th Street,
The cannons survived, although
The cannons be reinstalled, where they originated,
their placement, within sight of where the Hussar sank, seems appropriate.
through their spyglasses spot the cannon and mortar.


Pendulums have swung
In bizarre directions.
A loss of touch with reality
Causes too little impact
On our concern for others.
Our split mind has become
A dangerous threat to
The public.
We need control.

We have horrifically distorted thinking
And in our journey for power,
We have lost all mental health.


The Ending Battle

Beyond doubt
Will attract the passionate, the curious and the nostalgic in large numbers
Their adventures have an especially somber and scary coloration
Three friends are cast out from the protective cocoon of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry into a bleak, perilous grown-up world
Childish things have been put away
Their only trustworthy being
Is dead
And so, the chosen boy Harry and his friends
Must rely on those who serve
With the end approaching
It is somewhat uncertain
Who will come out whole
Or who will come out half-broken
But he, Voldemort grows as strong as the boy.


Lively and versatile
His death was confirmed by his daughter
He liked to dance to whatever’s coming in over the radio

Then proceeds to change stations on a radio unpredictably
Shifting with verve from classical ballet to athletic tap to more raucous swing moves.
Had been adapting for years at that point,

Changing more than before,
From single to married.
He ended it in divorce

He told his two children and granddaughter,
Always do what you love for as long as you can.


Everything a kid needs

All the status symbols a 14-year-old in his world could want,
Air Jordan’s and Reeboks,
Sometimes a new pair every month.
Name-brand sports clothes.

The gun flashed recently at rush hour on the B15 bus,
Kahton fired toward another teenager,
Instead striking a 39-year-old man on his way home.
The man died soon after.

In the narrow world these teenagers inhabit,
Violence is as thick as smog,
Alliances as fluid as water,
Quarrels as big as the Internet.


The data was encrypted.
First communication of the Crimea,
An elite army of military officers
Are prepared for potential threats along the borders.
A.P.C’s weaponry equipment on their foe,
People resist but the military has no shame.
From 2009 to 2012 the military forces were striking.
The Crimea threats the people of the nation.
//www.nytimes.com/2014/04/03/world/europe/crimea-offers-showcase-for-russias-rebooted-military.html?ref=world& r=0


A bomb apparently directed at military ruler, went off minutes after
his convoy had passed a traffic intersection in, the capital.

The bomb went off secretly being shifted from a military hospital in,
neighboring to a farmhouse on the outskirts of Islamabad.

The blast did not cause any casualties.
the explosion left a foot-deep crater on a sidewalk near a busy traffic
intersection .

On the boundary line The explosion occurred after convoy had passed.
Investigations are underway.


Title: A Beautiful Tragedy

The most endlessly talked-about
She defined the very essence of screen sexuality
She was a gifted whom the camera adored
Luminous and incomparably magnetic
She had it all,
Her career and life came crashing to a tragic halt,
A Cinderella story gone horribly wrong;
Dead before her time –
Her fragile beauty trapped in amber,
Impervious to the ravages of age.
But She remains in Our hearts forever;
Marilyn Monroe.


Hope in The Ballot Box

A novelty that has drawn crowds
Paid some lip service to supporting causes
But she’s colored by the worry
She is just a token name.
Her face printed on thousands of ballot pamphlets
In conservative areas cast,
In traditional seclusion,
Little has changed outside of the cities.
Where are their first ladies?
Still little more than the property
of their brothers, fathers and husbands.
There is finally the sense here
She has plenty of company,
Her feet in two worlds.
