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Five Tips To Help Female Leaders Thrive In Male-Dominated Industries

YEC Women
Lauren Elmore

When I first started at Firmatek, I spent a lot of time learning the business. This included visiting job sites and shadowing technicians and other employees, asking as many questions as I could to understand their roles in the company.

On one particular ride-along, my employee told me he thought it was inappropriate for me to be riding around in trucks with my male employees all day and staying at the same hotels when we visited job sites. I responded with the clear message that this was my job and I wasn't going to stop doing what I needed to do to run the company to the best of my ability. But it was the first time it really hit me that I was going to have new challenges working in this male-dominated industry.

There are several challenges women face while working in a male-dominated field, and relationship building is one of them. It’s easy for “the guys" to grab a beer together, but there are undertones for me if I want to grab a drink or dinner one on one with a male business partner, employee or potential client. These limitations can make it more difficult to build strong relationships.

Despite the unique challenges that women face in male-dominated industries, many women are thriving in these fields.

The Emergence Of Role Models

Progress starts with awareness that women can be as successful as men in leadership roles, even in male-dominated science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) industries. Over the past few years, we’ve seen an increasing number of articles and lists highlighting key female business leaders in fields like mining, construction and technology.

For example, if you search for successful women in the drone industry, you'll find titles like “The Most Accomplished Women In The Drone Industry” or “How X Women Are Changing The Industry.” But if you take out the words “female” or “women” from your search, you'll find male-dominated lists. The visibility of female role models plays a significant role in inspiring other women to pursue similar careers, as well as proving that success in these male-dominant systems is achievable.

The value of representation is evidenced by the so-called “Scully Effect,” named after the influence agent Dana Scully in The X-Files had on a generation of women. A survey by the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media revealed that the character served as a role model to almost two-thirds of women working in STEM fields. The survey also found that women who watched the show were 50% more likely to work in STEM.

Seeing a strong, fiercely intelligent woman on equal footing with her male colleague — even a fictional one — was a powerful image. It’s even more powerful to see real-life women with these qualities and status.

Finding Success

Even as we work against the norms, we must learn to succeed within it. For women currently working or starting businesses in male-dominated industries, there are several strategies that can help you grow a thriving business in the midst of imbalances.

1. Recognize the problem, but don't dwell on it.

We know that the professional world can sometimes be a frustrating place for women — like the fact that men are far more likely to receive funding for a new business than women. It's important to recognize the challenge, but it is more important to avoid dwelling on it. Accept that, as a woman, you will face challenges your male counterparts don’t have to. Then, use that knowledge to overcome these challenges.

2. Learn as much as you can as fast as you can.

You might not be automatically respected in male-dominated industries, but if you show that you know what you’re talking about, you can earn respect. Do this as quickly as possible by asking questions every chance you get and paying close attention to the answers. Take notes and review them during downtime at work or home.

3. Welcome tough questions.

A key part of earning respect is to not only answer tough questions but also welcome them. Showing that you don't shy away from topics that are difficult to discuss shows confidence in your decision making and reasoning skills. I have had to deal with people telling me I can't pretend to know what I'm talking about until I've been in the industry for 10 years, while my male business partner rarely experiences this problem. As frustrating as it can be to have to prove myself, the hard questions make it easier to demonstrate my expertise.

4. Bring a male colleague with you.

Sometimes, the best decision to build a relationship or win business is to bring one of your male colleagues with you. You might not like that you need to do it, but you can't get hung up on this. Don't refuse to bring a man along just to prove a point. The best leaders do what is best for the business.

5. Find your supporters.

There are always men in male-dominated industries who appreciate a female leader and believe in the company that you are building. Find those champions and partner with them as often as you can. They will help you gain credibility and build your business.

Everyone is facing a unique set of challenges in this world, and being a woman in a male-dominated industry sometimes has its difficulties. There will always be industries that are more male-dominated by preference, and that's not a bad thing. It just means you might have a unique challenge that you didn't necessarily expect or prepare for coming into the job. While you can't always change your industry, you can change your outlook and learn from these challenges to become the role model younger women need.