Crowdfunding boss: Never mind Isas - invest in start-ups and new tax breaks mean you can radically cut your income tax bill

Jeff Lynn, co-founder and CEO of Seedrs, a popular UK and European equity crowdfunding platform, compares the tax incentives offered by Isas and SEIS following recent Budget announcement boosts to both schemes.

With last financial year's 'use it or lose it' Isa frenzy now at an end, investors are free to take stock of two new Budget announcements that could dramatically affect their decisions this tax year.

As well as introducing the ‘NISA’ in the recent Budget - a £15,000 tax-free allowance that can be used for cash or stocks and shares Isas, or a mixture of the two – the Chancellor also confirmed that SEIS, the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme, is now a permanent tax relief.

Crowdfunding: Jeff Lynn, co-founder and CEO of Seedrs

Crowdfunding: Jeff Lynn, co-founder and CEO of Seedrs

Generosity from the taxman is a rare thing, so investors will want to grab any benefits they can with both hands. Fortunately, it doesn’t need to be a choice between Isas and SEIS.

Investments in the two schemes can be made alongside one another by the same person, who will be able to take advantage of the full tax breaks of both.

What are the key differences?

A comparison of the two schemes shows SEIS to be the radically more generous in terms of tax breaks.

However, Isas and SEIS also present fundamentally different risk profiles.

Isa investors can take advantage of low-risk cash Isas, where within the £85,000 savings account financial compensation limits risk is currently incredibly low. A cash Isa delivers your interest tax-free, but historically low savings rates mean you will struggle to beat inflation.


Typically SEIS investment comes via specialist financial advisers. This delivers the added bonus of an expert helping to guide investors through what they need to think about and whether something is suitable for them.

Unsurprisingly, the internet is now coming to the fore for firms seeking to raise cash. An increasingly popular way of investing in small businesses is via web-based crowdfunding platforms.

These platforms usually highlight the businesses on their site that offer tax relief via SEIS schemes.

Read more about SEIS using This is Money's guide.

Alternatively, there is an investing Isa wrapper, which can range from low to high risk depending on what you put in it – from bonds to blue-chip shares and funds or AIM small cap shares.

Profits on investments within the wrapper are free from capital gains tax and there is no extra tax to pay on dividends beyond the standard 10 per cent already charged.

SEIS eligible investments are at the riskier end of the business, but in return you get the best tax break – half the amount you invested off your income tax bill, as explained in more detail below.

SEIS has been designed specifically to encourage people to invest in start-ups - one of the highest-risk, but potentially most lucrative, asset classes - to help supercharge economic growth in Britain.

Whether through an online crowdfunding platform like Seedrs, or the old offline way via angel investor networks, investing in start-ups eligible for SEIS offer some startlingly large tax breaks.

In fact, no other country in the world offers bigger tax incentives to invest in seed-stage businesses.

What are the tax break similarities?

Both stocks and shares Isas and SEIS investments offer no Income or Capital Gains Tax to pay on any investment profits you make.

When it comes to SEIS, given that everyone’s hope when investing in startups is at least one stellar performer in the portfolio - possibly even a Facebook or a Twitter - this relief is very attractive. Even if you don’t normally worry about CGT, it means a huge profit one day will stay all yours.

But that is where the similarities end.

What exactly does SEIS offer for investors? 

As long as the startup you choose to invest in meets various eligibility criteria, then regardless of what Income Tax bracket you sit within, you will get back half of what you invest in that tax year from HMRC as a reduced Income Tax bill for that year.

This is clearly a generous offer and unusual in that it is equally attractive to all tiers of income tax payer – not just higher rate payers. 

As long as you pay a sufficient amount in income tax, you will get half of the amount you invested back, up to a maximum of £100,000 of investment. 

Isa reliefs can’t touch this. And even the tax relief offered on pensions doesn’t get near this level of largesse from The Treasury.     

For many investors this tax incentive is sufficient to encourage them to look seriously at the pros and cons of investing in start-up businesses, as it effectively doubles whatever sum you have available to invest. 

But there is more. Quite a lot more in fact…

On top of this, and unlike an Isa, there is no Inheritance Tax liability to worry about for family or friends should you die. Given the longer term nature of investing in early stage businesses, this is a very attractive additional relief.


SEIS also includes a tax relief hugely valuable to this investment asset, as with the possibility of stellar returns comes the risk of many startups failing. It is called Loss Relief and it softens the blow of any startups in your portfolio that do go bust.

Any sensible investor in seeds stage businesses knows that many of his or her investments will fail.
That is just the nature of this asset class. It is the collateral damage as you wait for the big successes to make the portfolio as a whole fruitful and potentially very profitable. Loss Relief is an important concession in light of this, and a key part of reducing the risks involved in this unique asset class.

If one or more of your startups fail, then Loss Relief allows you to recover Income Tax (at whatever tax rate you pay) on the half of that investment not already repaid to you by the Income Tax relief you received when you first invested.

It works by allowing you to offset your losses against either a tax liability in the year you make the loss.          

Finally, SEIS includes a further relief relevant to those with a CGT liability from other forms of investment.  Depending on what year this liability falls in, it can be reduced by up to 100 per cent if you re-invest the gains in an SEIS-eligible startup.

Is it too good to be true?

One of the reasons more investors have not leaped into action on the back of Mr Osborne’s generosity is because many think the tax benefits are just too good to be true – that there must be some catch lurking somewhere. 

But there isn’t. Yes, this IS a high risk investment type, but it offers the potential for life-changing returns.   

The generosity is just a sign of how clear the Government is about the importance of capital finding its way swiftly and effectively into these new and growing businesses, because they are such a crucial part of achieving a robust and sustainable economic recovery. 

With the recent Budget making SEIS a permanent tax relief, there’s never been a better time to take a proper look at this exciting investment opportunity.