Leila Janah: Connecting people to jobs online

Leila Janah thought the internet could help bridge the geographic and cultural divides that had traditionally kept people living in poverty around the world from finding work.

So in 2008 she started Samasource, a business that trains poor people in East Africa, India and Haiti to do work online.

Janah calls it "microwork" - simple, computer-based tasks like photo tagging that can be easily taught and are outsourced from big companies like Getty Images, Google and Walmart.

She has focused in particular on women - over half of people working on Samasource's global projects are female.

Last year, Janah expanded her focus to inequality at home. She launched a pilot programme called SamaUSA to teach community college students skills to find jobs and do work online.

Janah tells the BBC she believes everyone deserves the chance to make a living wage.

Produced by the BBC's Ashley Semler; filmed by Travis Peterson; edited by Bill McKenna

Additional photos courtesy Samasource

Women in Tech is a series of stories profiling the most innovative, pioneering and successful women and how they are changing an industry traditionally dominated by men.

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