A year after Boston bombing, let’s stand together

Sharon Watkins

It doesn’t take a social scientist to see that the United States, indeed the world, is fragmented and fractious. Members of Congress have trouble coming to agreement; name-calling is rampant. Here in Indiana we have seen the rifts appear on everything from constitutional amendments on marriage to Common Core requirements for schools. We often define ourselves by our ideological tribe rather than by our shared common humanity.

But occasionally we still get it right. In the aftermath of the horrible explosions at the Boston Marathon in 2013, we saw the resilience and the belief that we’re stronger in the face of terrorism when we stand together. In the days that followed we became undivided by our differences and citizens of one world community. The runners were from all over the globe, victims of all faiths, and in their faces we saw our own. Our common reaction to the horror of the bombing illustrates how little really separates the human family.

Our varied religious traditions compel us to recognize and respond to the dignity of all people. A year ago our American Muslim brothers and sisters were among the first to condemn this tragic act of terrorism. A year later I urge us to continue to stand with them and reiterate that condemnation. Terrorism has no place in any community.

A few years back Muslim scholars from around the world released a document, known as “A Common Word Between Us.” It proposes a common basis for building a world at peace. That common basis? Love of God and love of neighbor — both of which are central to the Jewish and Christian faiths as well.

How do we go about loving God and neighbor? According to the biblical witness we all share, it is by facing hard times together with a generous spirit: by reaching out toward each other rather than turning our backs on each other.

This shared belief in Boston over the past year has emphasized that understanding. Leaders from the Jewish and Christian community were some of the first to walk through the doors of the largest mosque in Boston in the days that followed the bombing, inviting local Imams to their own churches and synagogues to offer words and prayer in solidarity in the months that followed. On the bombing anniversary this year the keynote speaker at Old South Church, which sits at the Boston Marathon finish line, will be an Imam offering words of hope and gratitude.

In Indianapolis we see people coming together through the work of the Center for Interfaith Cooperation, currently using film and book studies to open ways of understanding. The Spirit and Place Festival in Indianapolis brings Muslim, Christian, Jewish, B’hai and others into a celebration of community through the arts and sharing culture.

We do condemn the act of terror that rocked Boston and our country last year. Our best response comes when we defy its intended division by standing together and responding to the needs in our own communities that are wrought by such violence.

It is also our opportunity to affirm that God created us as one human family, regardless of color or religion, economic status or politics. Now is our opportunity to stand not just with Boston, but show right here in Indianapolis that we are part of Boston Strong as well. Now is our opportunity to be whole and united in the face of those who would divide us through their actions. Now is our moment to stand as one, working toward the good of all and the detriment of none.

Watkins, a resident of Indianapolis, became the first woman to head a mainline denomination in 2005. She preached at President Barack Obama’s first inaugural prayer service and currently serves on the National Council of Churches and the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches.