Memory foam mattresses are well known for their extreme comfort. The material molds to your body, making it feel like you’re sleeping on a cloud. These mattresses can provide a comfortable night’s sleep to a wide variety of consumers looking for both firm and soft beds. Before you make your purchase, you’ll want to understand some of the different options and characteristics of memory foam mattresses.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Evaluating Your Options

  1. Each memory foam mattress lists its density in the product information. High-density foam is defined as above 5 (2.27 kg) and especially 6 lbs. (2.72 kg). This mattress will feel quite firm at first, but it will adapt to your body to relieve pain and pressure points. Lasting about 8-10 years, it’s the best choice for those looking for durability, although it will cost more.[1]
  2. Mid-grade foam is defined as 4 to 5 lbs (1.81-2.27 kg). This option should also provide you with a durability of about 8-10 years, and it may be more comfortable and less costly than high-density foam.[2]
  3. Low-density foam, normally 2 to 3 lb. (0.91-1.36 kg), will likely feel more comfortable when you lie down, as you’ll sink into the layer. While this foam is less expensive than higher density options, it’s also less durable. You may have to replace it within 4-6 years.[3]
  4. The ILD is another important indicator of firmness. Low ILDs will give you a soft and comfortable surface, while highers ILDs create resistance and support for your back. You generally want lower ILDs (10-11) for the top layers and at least one layer with a higher ILD (20-40) to prevent low-back pain.[4]
  5. Memory foam is a temperature-sensitive material that softens as it comes in contact with your body heat. This is what gives it the ability to contour to your body, but the foam can also get overly hot at night. Many memory foam mattresses now offer top layers made with different materials to increase ventilation and keep you cool.[5]
  6. Gel memory foam increases the air circulation in memory foam, providing a cooler surface. This option also offers increased and more balanced support for your back. This may help relieve chronic back pain.[6]
    • Be aware that the gel memory foam will be cool at first, but it will heat up to match your body temperature over the course of the night. Gel layers may only help you fall asleep.
  7. Natural latex foam maintains the same general softness and support as memory foam, but does not have its temperature sensitivity. This will likely prevent you from experiencing the cloud-like feeling that comes from memory foam. However, natural latex will not cause you to “sleep hot,” and it won’t give off any chemical odors.[7]
  8. CertiPUR-US is an American-based non-for-profit program that prevents foam from including harmful metals, chemicals, ozone depleters, or dangerous gas emissions. Most mattress companies will advertise that their products have received this certification.[8]
    • While companies from all over the world can be CertiPUR-US-certified, the certification adheres to American standards. These standards are comparable with the European-based Eco-label.[9]
  9. The density of latex and memory foam mattresses already inhibits the spread of allergy-causing dust mites. The bamboo cover will supplement this resistance, as bamboo is naturally dust and mildew resistant.
  10. Before you decide on a product, check out previous buyers’ experiences to avoid falling into a consumer trap. Reviews will provide you with information about the relationship between the cost and the overall comfort and quality of the mattress.
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Testing at the Store

  1. Even if you plan to make your final purchase online, it’s extremely important that you lie down at least once on the mattress you intend to buy. Mattress stores will allow you to test their beds by hopping on and getting comfortable, so take advantage.[10]
  2. Give yourself ample time to fully experience the mattress. Try moving around and lying in various positions. Many memory foam mattresses are made specifically to suit back, side, or stomach sleepers, and it’s important that you test these labels. Some beds will also inhibit your movement, and you’ll want to know this before you buy.[11]
  3. Learn exactly what will be required of you when you have a warranty issue. What counts as an issue covered by the warranty? Will you be responsible for packaging and shipping the mattress? Most importantly, how long has the manufacturer been in business? A lifetime warranty from a company that's only been in business for a short while is probably worthless.
    • Most warranties will cover problems with the mattress that appear to be manufacturer related. Warranties will rarely cover damage caused by you or by normal wear and tear.[12]
  4. You should be able to test out your memory foam mattress to see if you have any issues or don’t like the feel of the material. These trials generally last between two weeks and a month. Be sure you understand the return policy in case you end up not liking the mattress.[13]
    • The company will likely require the mattress to be in as-new condition at the end of the trial period if you choose to return the product. Any damage to the mattress will almost certainly prevent you from making a return.
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Buying the Mattress

  1. If you’re in a local store, you may be facing overpriced products. Talk to your salesperson to negotiate these prices down to match the minimum prices you can find for the product online. Larger chains should already match these minimum prices.[14]
    • If you face resistance in this conversation, try telling your salesperson that you’ve found the same product for a better price elsewhere. While they may tell you that you’re welcome to make your purchase where you’d like, they might also take the opportunity to prevent you from walking out the door.
  2. Both stores and online vendors should have coupon options available. Search online for printable coupons to take in the store with you, or apply promotional codes at the end of your online purchase. You can also search your town’s weekly advertising circular for local couponing options.
    • There are a variety of online options for finding coupons. Honey is an internet add-on that will automatically search for and apply coupons to your online purchases, or you can use to look up specific stores.
  3. Buying your mattress in a store means that you have a physical location and specific person to visit if you have problems with your product.[15]
    • When you buy in a store, you’re usually guaranteed assistance in moving and setting up the mattress.
  4. Online purchasing will allow you to avoid haggling with a salesperson over prices. However, be aware that your purchase may not meet your expectations, especially if you didn’t visit a store to test it out. It may also be more difficult for you to return a mattress purchased online.
    • Note that online vendors may only ship “compressed,” or rolled-up, memory foam mattresses that need about a day to fully decompress before you can sleep on them.
  5. Whether you make your purchase online or in the store, set aside a specific place on your computer or in your house for your purchasing records. You should be sure that the receipt, warranty paperwork, and any trial period agreements are somewhere that you can easily access and won’t forget about.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Can I sleep on my memory foam before it completely decompresses?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you've purchased a mattress that arrives compressed, you'll need to roll it out and allow it time to completely decompress before you sleep on it. This may only take a few hours, but could also take a full day and night. Be sure to closely follow the manufacturer's instructions to avoid damaging the mattress.
  • Question
    Can I use a heated mattress cover, electric blanket, or heating pad on my memory foam mattress?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Most manufacturers recommend limiting the use of heated covers, blankets, or pads on memory foam. Because the foam is heat reactive, any added heat will hinder the ability of the mattress to react to your body temperature. If you do use these products, limit your use to 30 minutes at a time.
  • Question
    Are gel foam toppers generally firm or soft?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Gel foam toppers can be either firm or soft, and you'll need to be sure to carefully read the product information to double check which option you're buying.
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  • Get a copy of the "comfort guarantee" from your mattress store or online vendor. Make sure that this trial period lasts at least two weeks.
  • Some memory foam mattresses give off a chemical odor right after you purchase them. You may need to give your mattress time to air out by waiting 24 hours before you place sheets on the bed.
  • If you have a high-quality coil spring mattress that you like, but you’re hoping to add a bit of comfort to your sleep experience, explore topper options. This will certainly cost you less than replacing your mattress.
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  • Solid memory foam or regular foam mattresses are very heavy and may require the assistance of a professional moving company to relocate.
  • The conversions in this wiki are based on kilograms / cubic foot. This is fairly nonsensical as kg / cubic meter is the standard European measure for memory foam mattresses. The conversion is 50kg/m3 = 3.12lb/ft3, not the 2.2lb/kg used in this article.

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This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 305,762 times.
31 votes - 93%
Co-authors: 48
Updated: April 30, 2023
Views: 305,762
Article SummaryX

If you’re interested in buying a memory foam mattress, think about the features you’re interested in. If you want a durable mattress, choose one made from high-density foam. For a soft mattress that’s more affordable, opt for low-density foam, or choose medium-density foam for a mattress that’s a combination of both. Since memory foam can get really warm while you’re sleeping on it, look for a mattress with cooling layers to keep you comfortable. If you’re still not sure which one to pick, read online reviews to help you see what other consumers thought of their mattress purchase. For tips on testing your mattress at the store, keep reading!

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