All great men depend on the wind in their sails to accomplish goals and overcome challenges. Here's a closer look at the forces that drive you to improve yourself.

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Stoke Yourself Up

Don’t dismiss that little voice in your head. Self-talk sparks motivation, but the way those conversations start affects their success rate, according to a study published in Psychological Science. Asking questions (“Will I exercise today?”) rather than making declarations (“I will exercise today”) can help you perform better, the study found. “It may make you consider obstacles,” says study author Dolores Albarracín, Ph.D., “forcing you to plan ahead.”

Make Her Want You

Unhappy being just her buddy? Change her perception, advises Jeremy Nicholson, Ph.D., a social psychologist in Boston. First, ask her to join you on a night out with friends—there’s less pressure. Then, at some point, pull her aside and say something like, “We’ve been having fun together. Why not see if we can take it to the next level?” If she’s on board, make a date. No go? Shrug it off, rejoin the party, and tell her you look forward to seeing her at happy hour.