Marla Ahlgrimm Details Complex Process of Choosing the Right Gynecologist

Marla Ahlgrimm

Q: What is the standard definition of a gynecologist?

Marla Ahlgrimm: A gynecologist (commonly referred to as an GYN) is a physician whose specialty is women’s reproductive health, with the ability to perform routine examinations of the reproductive organs.

Q: How does a gynecologist help a woman’s overall health?

Marla Ahlgrimm: To remain in good health, regular consultations and yearly checkups with a gynecologist are necessary. Admittedly, finding the right doctor can be a daunting task. Since these are private and personal appointments, it’s crucial to use a specialist who offers a warm and welcoming environment. Since different physicians focus on different specialties, a patient must understand her particular needs. Being comfortable is key.

Q: Where is the best place for a patient begin her search for a doctor?

Marla Ahlgrimm: Asking family members or friends can be an excellent start for determining a list of options. An insurance provider directory often posts the names and addresses of physicians as well. Don’t forget about the Internet, which has shared a wealth of information for the patient’s convenience.

Q: What are some of the most underrated aspects of a gynecologist’s practice?

Marla Ahlgrimm: Along with the usual concerns about medical care, practical considerations such as parking and office hours can also affect the patient’s decision.

Q: How should a woman best prepare for a visit to the gynecologist?

Marla Ahlgrimm: Even if the visit is routine at this point, it can be embarrassing or uncomfortable for the patient. Depending on the doctor, however, a visit to the gynecologist can in fact be an uplifting and empowering experience. The gynecologist offers important information about a woman’s reproductive system. By simply acknowledging her embarrassment or nervousness, a woman may find she can establish straightforward and honest communication with her doctor.