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One badass tale!
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Thursday 30 January 2014

How to sell over 350 000 books on Twitter

 New Zealand author and book marketing coach, Jonathan Gunson, has sold over 350 000 books. He has over 105 000 Twitter followers who eagerly buy his works and subscribe to his newsletter.
 So when Gunson talks about selling books and recruiting readers, it's worth taking note. In his latest website article he writes:

 "There is a doorway to every single fiction reader in the world, and there are MILLIONS of them. Question is, how do you persuade them to open their doors and buy your book?
 "Unfortunately, most of my author friends attempt to solve this in precisely the wrong way. They hammer on one door after another like a old style door-to-door salesman, and in the rare instance a door opens, they immediately shout at the owner: 'Buy my book!'
 "And they do this on Twitter, Facebook, G+, Goodreads , Linked in, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, Flickr, forums, their own blog, and everywhere else they can think of.
 "Of course most readers won’t open the door to them, because they don’t know the author, and they don’t know their book.
 "Furthermore, not only do they dislike people rapping on their doors uninvited, there are thousands of other authors constantly doing it.
 "The doors never open. So what does a poor author do?"

 (Sound familiar? Feel uncomfortable yet?)
 Gunson suggests authors take the time to first get to know the people behind the doors before asking them to open them. On Twitter he suggests using the AIDA marketing principle as shown in the infographic.
 Gunson's site is a treasure-trove of tutorials and marketing information for writers. If you are not a regular visitor, you should be!

You can read my short stories free online at

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