1. Call to Order - Joel Burns, Chair
2. Approval of Minutes from the Meeting Held on January 7, 2014 - Joel Burns, Chair
3. Written Reports - Jay Chapa, Director, Housing and Economic Development Department
4. Presentation on Trends Affecting Low Income Neighborhoods - Randle Harwood, Director, Planning and Development Department
5. Update on Homelessness and Directions Home, City's Homelessness Plan - Otis Thornton, Human Services Manager, Housing and Economic Development Department
6. Presentation on Proposed Amendments to Economic Development Incentives Policies in Regard to the Promotion of Affordable Housing - Jesus Chapa, Director, Housing and Economic Development Department
8. Presentation on Resolutions for Submission to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for Housing Tax Credit Developments - Jesus Chapa, Director, Housing and Economic Development Department
9. Executive Session - The Housing and Economic Development Committee will conduct a closed meeting to:
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