Build the perfect team

Build the perfect team

We all know that teams achieve more than individuals, here I provide my views on how this can be best achieved. It is not a definitive list and following will not guarantee success; teamwork involves a sprinkling of fairy dust which only you know if you can muster, there is a simple reason not all teams perform, not all people are compatible, but you can give your team the best chance to succeed.

  • Clear Goals and Objectives - No team succeed without a target, it is the one consistent; teams achieve success when everyone can maximise their potential in achieving the same goal. A team is the outcome of a collaboration of individuals performing towards a single aim this is where the view that a high performing team of average people will always beat a low performing team of high performing individuals.
  • Attitude, Attitude, Attitude - its the most important ingredient, get rid of any superstars with the wrong approach, there is no way to fix it. Teams are all about the cumulative effect. Some people who excel in some areas make poor team players; this is fine, you still want them in your company. Just not in your perfect team.
  • Create the Team Culture - all companies have mission statements, principles and codes of conducts. I like to create these in teams, it creates an identity and can align with the corporate identity. At the beginning of big projects or deals, as a team set the rules, culture and principles you want. Aligning the expectations and mode of working makes a huge difference.
  • Win, Win and then Win again - seems obvious, but a winning team tends to keep winning, avoid bundling everything into a single objective, set mini wins. Make a list of all the things you want to achieve to enable that big objective and have a bit of a celebration when you tick off each milestone on the journey to the primary end goal.
  • Complementary skills - Lots of tools out there from the change Index, Myers-Briggs to help assess the mix of your team. You do not want a team full of high change index as all they will do constantly move goals and reassess objectives - nothing will get done - having a balance enables you to get the best out of your changers and challengers but with the stable influence of consistent performers.
  • Fun - Overstressed and oppressed teams do not achieve much, keeping the fun element is always a good idea, I love role play as a way of solving some team challenges. Productive with a few laughs. As an idea get some hats made up with all the job titles of your customer/client if you are working on a big deal, then get half the team to pitch. Putting yourself in your client shoes is never a bad idea, and this method is far more useful than just dry running a presentation or pitch, and you can see how well you know your customers.

The nirvana of the perfect team is always strived for, but hopefully, these tips get you just that little bit closer.


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Alistair Doran

Head of Digital Product Management for BDO LLP and Non Executive Director CTO at Suppeco


Couldn't have said it better Rob!!

Rob Taylor-Brown

Project, Programme, Portfolio Contractor


The four key things to remember when building your “TEAM” are: T = Trust E = Empower A = Align M = Motivate

Dewi Hudayanti Djojopranoto

Komisaris Utama - PT Indohouse Mandiri Perkasa (Construction Co.)


....."teams CAN achieve more than individuals", perhaps this statement came from 'what TEAM stands for; Together Everyone Achieves More. Although people may achieve their job by working individually, like; painter, singer, dancer...? But in a company, especially big company, I think working as a team is a lot better.....

Joe Dayton

Taking the long way home.


I agree with the artical for the most part. We all are competitive people so we all believe that we have the answer. This is a great idea. After all teamwork makes the dream work. While agree that together everyone achieves more I also believe that without stars you will not be successful. I also believe that people tend to sgine more when they are in a team atmosphere. I mean some people aren't leaders but make amazing followers. Hire, hire and when your done hiring hire some more. As long as there is a carrot to grab people will strive to do their best. Whatever that carrot may be is our quest as leaders. Every one has one. We need to find it and utilize it to it's fullest extent. Everything else in this piece makes sense to me.

SenthilRaja S.L

B-Suite Executive Leader @ Thermo Fisher Scientific | Global Product Stewardship | Product Compliance and Safety | intrepreneur | Ex- Avantor


Good one..


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