The Journal of Cosmology

Proof of Life on Mars

1. Tube Worms, Hydrothermal Vents, Life On Mars?

2. Fungi on Mars? Evidence of Growth and Behavior From Sequential Images

3. Proof of Life on Mars in 500 Pictures: Tube Worms, Metazoans, Algae, Microbial Mats, Stromatolites, Lichens, Fungus, Fossils, Growth, Movement, Spores and Reproductive Behavior

4. Mars, Comets, and the Cambrian Explosion: The Interplanetary Transfer of Life

5. Fungi on Mars and Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Genetics, Evolution, Alien Megastructures and Ancient Stars

6. Lichens on Mars vs the Hematite Hoax. Why Life Flourishes on the Radiation- Iron-Rich Red Planet.

7. Seeding the Solar System with Life: Mars, Venus, Earth, Moon, Protoplanets

8. Life on Mars: Colonies of Photosynthesizing Mushrooms in Eagle Crater? The Hematite Hypothesis Refuted


It's been said that new, major discoveries must pass through three stages: (1) Ridicule (2) Violent Opposition (3) Acceptance as self-evident and obvious.


Metazoans on Mars? Statistical Quantitative Morphological Analysis of Fossil-Like Features

Seeding the Solar System with Life: Mars, Venus, Earth, Moon, Protoplanets

Oceans, Lakes, and Stromatolites on Mars

Life on Mars: Colonies of Photosynthesizing Mushrooms in Eagle Crater?

Mars: Algae, Lichens, Fossils, Minerals, Microbial Mats, and Stromatolites in Gale Crater

Evidence of Life on Mars?

Mars: Life, Subglacial Oceans, Abiogenic Photosynthesis, Atmospheric Oxygen


*How Consciousness Became the Universe and Created Itself: Quantum Physics of God

Infinity vs the Big Bang

*Big Bang? A Critical Review

*The Myth of the Big Bang: Red Shifts, Black Holes, Acceleration, Infinity, Life.

*Infinity, Patterned Symmetry, Pythagoras, and the Black Hole at the Edge of the Universe

*The Quantum Cosmos and Micro-Universe: Black Holes, Gravity, Elementary Particles, and the Destruction and Creation of Matter

Collapsing and Parallel Universes

*A Collapsing Mirror Universe, Colliding Galaxies, Singularity and the Quantum Big Bang

*Einstein's Mirror Universe, Dark Matter, and Parallel Worlds

*The Uncertainty Principle and Multiple Worlds

*Einstein's Theories Predict A Rotating Universe

Life's Origins, Evolution and Extinction

*The Myth of the Organic Soup: Only Life Produces Life

*Life on Earth Came From Other Planets

*Biological Cosmology and the Origins of Life in the Universe

*Genetics Indicates Extraterrestrial Origins for Life: The First Gene

*Evolution: Genes, Microbes, Metazoan Metamorphosis, Cambrian Explosion and the Genetically Engineered Earth

*Climate Change: The First Four Billion Years. The Biological Cosmology of Global Warming and Global Freezing

*Evolution, Plague, and Diseases From Space

*Extinction, Metamorphosis, Evolutionary Apoptosis, Genetically Programmed Species Mass Death

Evolution: Brain, Human Consciousness, Sexuality

*The Evolution of Brain and Mind

*Evolution of Female Sexuality, Sexual Choice and the Domestication of Man

*The Evolution of Breasts, Buttocks and the Big Brain

*Hunters, Gatherers and the Evolution of Sex Differences in Language and Visual Spatial Skills

*Evolution of the Human Mind and Brain, Multi-Regional Evolution, The Cro-Magnon - Neanderthal Wars

*Evolution of Consciousness in the Ancient Corners of the Cosmos

Consciousness, Awareness, the Unconscious Brain and Mind

*Awareness, the Origin of Thought, Resistance and Repression.

*Split Minds: Two Brains - Two Minds

*Self-Deception, Denial, & Confabulation

*Origins of Thought:

*The Limbic System & the Unconscious

*The Neuroanatomy of Free Will Loss of Will, Against the Will, "Alien Hand"

*Disconnection Syndromes & the Conscious Mind

*Dissociation,PTSD, Flashbacks, Paralytic Fear

*Dreams and Hallucinations: Lifting the Veil to Multiple Perceptual Realities

*Evolution of Paleolithic "Caveman" Cosmology

Quantum Physics of Consciousness, Dreams, and Time

*Quantum Physics and the Multiplicity of Mind.

*Entanglement: Lincoln Dreams of his Assassination.

Quantum Tunneling, LSD, Neuroscience, Doors of Perception

*Time Travel Through Black Holes and Worm Holes in the Fabric of Space-Time

*Paradoxes of Time Travel: The Uncertainty Principle, Wave Function, Probability, Entanglement, and Multiple Worlds

*The Time Machine of Consciousness. Past Present Future Exist Simultaneously. Entanglement, Tachyons, Relative Time, Circle of Time, Quantum Time, Dream Time, PreCognition, Retrocausation, Deja Vu, and Premonitions

*Consciousness Of The Future: PreCognition, Premonition, Deja Vu

*Dream Time, Precognition, Many Worlds, the Sixth Dimension

*Dream-Consciousness at Light Speed: Entangled Minds

Gods, Death, Ghosts, Spirits, Souls, Prophecy, Astral Projection, After-Death, Hell, Heaven: Cosmology - Neurotheology

*Is God an Extraterrestrial?

*Evolution of Paleolithic Cosmology, Spiritual Consciousness, the Temporal and Frontal Lobes

*Cosmology and the Death of Gods: New Age Religions, Anti-Christ, Precession of the Equinox

*Neurotheology: Gods, Death, Souls, Spirits, Rebirth, Astral Projection, Judgment Day, Heaven, Hell, and the Second Death

*Possession and Prophecy: Alien Hand, Split-Brains, Religious Experience, Trance, Dissociation, Moses, Hitler and the Second Exodus

*Damon Wells: Son of the Devil. The Murder and Dreams of Tanya Zach