5 Things You Should Try to Say to Your Child Every Single Day

There are no doubt hundreds of exchanges between you and your child each day including everything from morning routine encouragement, yelling at them to pick up their toys, praising the art they brought home from school, and reading bedtime stories together. With each day, the exchanges will change slightly, but there is one routine exchange you should strive to have with your child every single day — a positive one that will remind them how appreciated, admired, and loved they are, always.

These are five things you should say to your child every single day, whether they be scattered throughout or said in one fell swoop before bed:

  1. Something they did that you're proud of.
  2. Something you know they tried their best at.
  3. Something you loved doing with them.
  4. Something they said that made you laugh.
  5. And no matter how you choose to say it: "I love you."

At first you may want to present each item one after another as more of a checklist, or even tweak a few to better fit your relationship with them. Either way, as time goes on it will become habit to communicate these positive thoughts to your children every day, and it's something they'll remember you doing for the rest of their lives.