
Sex and Dating Terms

A-Z Glossary of Terms Used in Digital Dating

homesitemapSex and Dating Terms
The language of love has changed a lot in the last decade. There are literally hundreds of news terms used to describe sexual preferences and orientation.
a list of sex and dating terms
To make life easier for you, we have organized them into the following categories:
  • Race, Ethnic Origin, Physical Description & Characteristics.
  • Lifestyle & Status.
  • Sexual Orientation & Preferences.
  • Religion.
  • Miscellaneous Abbreviations, Acronyms & Slang Terms.

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Race, Ethnic Origin, Physical Description & Characteristics

These Dating Terms are typically used to describe the sender/poster or the person they are looking for.

Lifestyle & Status

These abbreviations, acronyms and slang terms are used in digital dating to give an idea of the type of person that the poster is and their lifestyle, as well as the type of person they are looking for. Take care! Like all digital dating terms, these ones are often not used honestly!

Sexual Orientation & Preferences

The digital dating terms used to refer to sexual orientation and preferences are usually predictable and mundane. However, some of them, especially those that refer to sexual preferences, can be quite explicit.

Religious Beliefs

To many people, the religious beliefs of a potential partner are very important. Below are the most common abbreviations used on online dating sites to refer to religion.

Miscellaneous Abbreviations, Acronyms & Slang Terms

The following terms are used in text messaging, on online dating sites and social media in general chat about dating.

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