Our guest, Jaime Star Crawford – she’s an empowerment, relationahip and spiritual coach here in California! You can find Jaime Star Crawford on her site here: https://jamiestarcrawford.com/

Jaime Star Crawford’s Money Story:

When I was 11 years old, I experienced my first anxiety attack. Over the next 15 years, I would find myself not a stranger to the mental health field. With frequent episodes of depression and anxiety coupled with a diagnosis of a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, I often found myself between therapy and the doctor’s office. After being introduced to the arena of transformation, I experienced a profound shift in my emotional, metal, physical, and spiritual well being. Through the integration of neuro-linguistic programming, emotional intelligence training, energy work, alternative healing practices, and knowledge of emotional wellness, I successfully broke through my life story of pain and suffering. I now devote my love, energy, and wisdom to supporting others in breaking through areas of emotional and mental wellness. I specializes in helping women breakthrough codependency, toxic relationships, and loss of power as well as supporting men in creating lasting an intimate successful relationships.

I grew up in an average income household where the emphasis on saving rather than building was expressed. When I entered adulthood, I equated money with hard labor or extensive experience. It was a paycheck to paycheck lifestyle until I understood that the scarcity converations and low wages were an extension of what I believed I was worth. Today, I am excited to share that I have begun to explore how my self worth and abundence mindset have shifted the way I attract money and opportunity.

Want to keep learning and removing Money Anxiety? Download our Free Guide here: Eliminate Financial Stress and Money Anxiety