14 Things Chefs Really Hate Being Asked

    "What's your favorite thing to cook?"

    1. "What's your favorite thing to cook?"

    2. "I bet you eat the best food!"

    3. "Do you like *insert celebrity chef here*?"

    4. "Why don't you audition for *insert TV cooking competition here*?"

    5. "When will you get a real job?"

    6. "Cooking all day sounds like my dream job!"

    7. "You know you can't work in a kitchen your whole life, right?"

    8. "Will you cook for me sometime?"

    9. "What's the best way to cook *insert random food item here*?"

    10. "This isn't very fancy ― you probably won't like it."

    11. "How do you stay so skinny?"

    12. "Do you want to open your own restaurant?"

    13. "Holidays must be delicious at your house!"

    14. "What is *insert obscure food term here*?"