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Today’s Quote: “Any event, once it has occurred, can be made to appear inevitable by a competent historian.” – Lee Simonson

Today’s Question: What life events had to happen to put you where you are today?

My Thoughts: A person makes millions of decisions everyday, most of them so minor in importance that they are barely even noticeable as making a decision. But every single thing you decide to do leads you off a path of infinite ‘things that could have happened if’s’ and onto the one actual path you are living on in your life. Every person can name a few events that have occurred in their lives where a decision had to be made–either by them or for them–that accounted for the sharp last minute turn at a fork in the road of their lives, a decision that may have changed their life forever, or just reinforced their belief they should have always been doing what they were already doing. Out of all the events that occurred in my life that has given me pause and made me think about my current and possible future actions, the events of September 11, 2001 will probably always stand as a day of reinforcing my beliefs and direction as I was, only to have decisions not too far down the road–some made by me, some made by ‘them’–lead me to take a completely different direction then I had intended, even if it turned out to be familiar territory. Only time will tell if I made the right decisions, but I can do nothing but be proud and stand by every single one made to get me to ‘here.’ Are there any significant life events that you can recall that put you on the path to who you are today?


  1. My foster parents & there open hearts helped me get where I am today. IF they hadn’t been there fore me 15 years ago. I wouldn’t be here today.

    IF you ever have the chance to help someone out do it, I know I do.

  2. I can count numerous decisions that have brought me to a better place, some by me, some by others, my favorite being the decision I made to help a co-worker who became my friend & in the process found my soulmate.

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