Poll: Obama Collapses to 38% Approval with 'All Adults'

Poll: Obama Collapses to 38% Approval with 'All Adults'

The conventional wisdom is that when you poll “all adults” as opposed to a tighter screening for “registered voters,” Democrats generally do better. If that is the case, the latest poll from The Economist/YouGov is the worse news yet for a president obviously in over his head with the Russians and Syria. Obama currently sits at 38% approve/56% disapprove with all adults.

Polling in the thirties is danger territory for any American president. When a president loses the people, he loses his political power to achieve any agenda through persuasion and arm-twisting.

With registered voters, Obama is doing a little better with 43% approving, 55% disapproving.

Another poll released today shows that “a majority of Americans believe that President Barack Obama’s handling of foreign policy is worse than or no better than President George W. Bush.”


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