Official Trailer for Graceful Death Documentary 'End Game' on Netflix

April 10, 2018
Source: YouTube

End Game Doc Trailer

"Helping people live as well as possible for as long as possible." Netflix has unveiled an official trailer for an acclaimed new documentary titled End Game, made by filmmakers Rob Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman (of Howl, Lovelace, The Times of Harvey Milk). This short doc (runs in total 40 minutes) already played at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year as an officially selected short film. End Game goes inside two San Francisco Bay Area medical facilities offering graceful death. Filmed and edited in intimate vérité style, this work follows visionary medical practitioners who are working on the cutting edge of life and death -- and dedicated to changing our thinking about both. This looks very intriguing and eye-opening, which is always good for a documentary. It seems like it's going to be a very tough watch, and a real punch to your emotions.

Here's the trailer (+ poster) for Rob Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman's doc End Game, from YouTube:

End Game Doc Poster

Where will loved ones spend their last days? Who will be in the room? What feelings and secrets need to be shared with family before it is too late? Acclaimed Academy Award-winning filmmakers Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman probe these questions and more in the context of two San Francisco Bay Area medical facilities on the forefront of creating new paradigms for end of life decisions with grace. End Game is co-directed by filmmakers Rob Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman (both of Howl, Lovelace, The Times of Harvey Milk, The Celluloid Closet, Paragraph 175). This first premiered at the Sundance Film Festival this year, and the San Francisco Film Festival. Netflix debuts the doc End Game streaming exclusively starting May 4th.


Find more posts: Documentaries, To Watch, Trailer



Well, I wasn't living around my mother's death bed, but I was around often. Especially during her time in hospital. She was fighting for her life, but it was not at all so pleasant as here, in this trailer. Yeah, it's film. Dying people are giving lectures about bravery, anyway. The ultimate and unique ...

shiboleth on Apr 10, 2018


Some say that dying is a part of life. So is death itself. Beyond just being somehow enigmatic about it, that looks also a set of thought one just can't forget. Yes, helping people to live as much as possible is something I wholeheartedly support since I find it very important that every individual should be doing just that in the first place: to decide what to do with one'w own life. As for the other issue, the right to die, well that's a delicate matter, but its worth must be indefinite discussion about the value of life and appreciation of one's desires at the same time. Honestly, I'm not clear on this, although, I think that this problematic is about highly individual choice and can't be something generally applied to all people. The complexity isn't general here, but truly individual and that probably puzzles many people. Peace Bo ...

shiboleth on Apr 12, 2018


There's nothing radical about it, it's just a choice and in your case, it looks a fair one at that. I agree that it doesn't help to be judgmental about it. People have to decide for themselves, regardless the spiritual awareness they posses. The fact that you're much more aware of the whole complexity that can be related to it doesn't make it the same for anybody else. But yes, it's a life, one that needs to be cared about and appreciated here. And one should never give up thinking through and about it. Cheers Bo ...

shiboleth on Apr 13, 2018


We hate staring in the face of our mortality. You can accept it or run away. But you will never escape it.

DAVIDPD on Apr 10, 2018


I can't wait to hear the bible thumpers complain about this movie...

TheOct8pus on Apr 11, 2018


This was heart wrenching program for me. I balled my eyes out and was suffering myself for Mitra's family.

Lori on May 8, 2018


I know it’s Netflix and I know they’ve given the foul mouthed unfunny Michelle Wolfe her own “ comedy” show, and I know the opener is in San Francisco but did they really have to show the two doctors and the dying woman diss President Trump and then laugh and nod and speak of the previous president, all murmuring his name? Really? Within the first 2 minutes? It turned me off so much I couldn’t go on. The dying woman couldn’t remember much other than her son so I thought it was a tasteless stab by producers who are so ideologically driven, they’re probably totally unaware of it. That’s okay, it looked depressing, I’ll go watch the last episode of The Good Karma Hospital on Amazon Prime instead.

artist on May 11, 2018

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