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Email Tip About Privacy

March 8, 2011

“We reserve the right to sell, rent and/or distribute your email address…..” is another way of saying….we don’t give a rats ass about your privacy and will do whatever we want with your email.


Email Marketing Question #3

March 2, 2011

How many of those RFP requirements are you leveraging in your new ESP these days?

Which ESP is the “best”?

February 24, 2011

Every ESP sucks at one thing or another.  You just need to decide which part of the suck you can live with.


Welcome Email – Knock Knock

February 8, 2011

Knock Knock.

Who’s there?

Crappy welcome email

Crappy welcome email who?

I’m sorry..but welcome


Email is Dead

January 31, 2011

Of those that predicted or are predicting that email is dead, I wonder how many of them have bought something via email this week?


Email Sarcasm – Subscribers.

January 7, 2011


CMO to V.P. of Online Marketing:  Hey….why does the latest report say we only have 12 million subscribers.

VP:  That can’t be. Going into November we had 13.6 million.  Something must be wrong with that report

VP to Director of Email Marketing: Hey…the subscriber report is wrong. It says we only have 12 million subscribers.  Can you check it out?

Director:  Its right.

VP: What?  How did that happen?

Director:  Well..we sent 46 emails in November and 67 in December.

VP: So?

Director: Well….in October we sent 12.  In September we sent 11.

VP:  Wow…how come we sent all that email in November and December.

Director:  We had to make our numbers.

VP:  Who set those numbers?

Director: You did.  You said it came from “above” We should have told our subscribers we were going to increase our email sends, but someone denied that.

VP:  This is crazy….we lost 1.6 million people in November and December.  But we had an incredible Holiday.

Director:  Wonder if it was worth it.  Wonder if any of those 1.6 million are high value customers.

VP: Lemme tell those folks above.

VP to CMO (after telling them the news) So…what do you think?

CMO:  Can we send an email to those 1.6 million and ask why they left us.

Its only January folks…..I will be here all year.

Email Reality

December 29, 2010

We can’t create this email testing infrastructure you talk about….we will scare off all of IT with that request.

Email Predictions for 2011 – NOT

December 28, 2010

I have none. Just go out and execute and stop worrying what others are saying.

Email Sarcasm

December 27, 2010

I know we have a delivery issue….I just know it.  My Aunt Mary got her email, but it got there 6 hours late.

Email Common Sense

December 21, 2010

The more time you spend thinking of excuses on why you are not testing could be spent thinking of one test to execute

Email Rant #32.1223876

July 19, 2010

If the C-Suite runs your email program or sets the expectations, run for the hills.

Email Rant #409.84

July 15, 2010

Come on retailers….is it really the lowest prices of the season?  Be more creative.

Email Tip #67.89

July 13, 2010

An ESP choice should not be made by people who will never use the application.

Email Deep Thought

June 16, 2010

Why is it that every single list broker out there thinks that they have the best list to rent/buy from? Doesn’t everyone kinda have the same list.

Email Rant #45

June 16, 2010

Oh yea sure…I want quality from the email list rental. Yea sure…its all about the quality.

Email Marketing Tip #12.3

June 15, 2010

Just because you get your emails delivered does not guarantee success.

Email Marketing Job Tip #2

June 14, 2010

Learn to accept that everyone else in the organization thinks they are email experts.  Run with it. Have fun with it and let the good times roll.

Email Tip #46

May 25, 2010

Never ever hide your unsubscribe.  Give your subscriber the opportunity to get off your list.

Email Rant #907

May 11, 2010

Sure…someone that bought a pair of socks 2 years ago from us would be interested in receiving our email.  Let’s append them in.

Email Rant #1

May 7, 2010

Just because an ESP says they are cheaper doesn’t mean they are.  You will likely pay for it another way.