The Joys Of Screwing Up

Innovation poses two enormous problems for most leaders given the way they are trained to think. First, it’s a time-based form of value. It goes sour like milk. This year’s “must-have” gadget will end up in a landfill next Christmas or at least be overwritten by Version 2.0.

Second, innovation only pays in the future for which you presently have no data. As Kierkegaard put it “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”

So you can’t answer the two questions that will determine the value of your clever initiative: How much? How fast? The speed and magnitude of an innovation is highly situational. If you don’t time the market right, anticipate the new breakthrough tech or sell it in the wrong color you’re out. And there is that other little challenge of your competitors, known and otherwise, conspiring to cut you off at the pass.

A sure sign of a leader in denial is that they collect excessive data, a passive aggressive form of resistance, instead of launching a wide array of experiments that will accelerate the failure cycle and provide real information.

Real sensemaking only occurs in highly ambiguous situations where uncertainty not only elicits new ideas but provokes new ways of thinking. Artists call this sensation defamiliarization—meaning seeing common things in uncommon ways.

A company’s culture, competencies and practices will largely determine the vision, values, goals and even processes it pursues. Sure your team did that assessment of personality types at your last leadership away day but, when push comes to shove, everyone needs to do things the right way: your way, your boss’ way, your client’s way. Forget the hybrid breakthroughs that come from the positive tension of diverse approaches. It’s time to get with the program. You don’t have time, money or patience for this constructive conflict nonsense.

GE Chief Marketing Officer Beth Comstock has argued that successful innovation requires an optimistic and open state of mind. Freedom is the foundation for creating an innovative culture and capabilities. You need to create an environment where independent thinking and autonomy are encouraged. This requires changing your mind about where your company begins and ends and what it really can do and what it can’t. Such a shift requires that leaders with power and political capital move from a gate-keeping to gate-opening role. These leaders are the patron saints and sugar mamas of the coffee shop. They bless the unconventional and slip them a little spending money when in need.

Consider how the improbable case of Albert Einstein is as much a story of the curious and broad mind of eminent University of Berlin Professor of Physics Max Planck as it is of the man synonymous with creative genius. At a time when Einstein couldn’t secure a high school teaching position and worked as a patent clerk in provincial Switzerland, Planck recognized the brilliance of his Special Theory of Relativity paper and published it in the most prestigious physics journal of the day, Annalen der Physik. Without Planck it’s highly doubtful that we would have ever heard of Einstein. Contrary to our romantic notions of the lone genius or misunderstood maverick, Einstein was highly educated and capable, but offbeat in his innovative approach to both his life and the community of scholars. It took the vision and courage of the older and more established man to make way for a completely new approach to an intractable problem. In more than one case Einstein’s solutions usurped those established by Planck. Would you be willing to promote the very ideas that would unseat you?

In a real sense, Einstein did the creative work that the entirety of the academic community couldn’t because he was not fully indoctrinated in their dominant logic. He never drank the Kool-Aid. The same could be said for the off-beat innovators of our time like Narayana Murthy of Infosys or Dean Kamen of Segway, who were successful because they didn’t follow convention. The more you try to accommodate these people inside your organization the more likely they will succumb to corporate think. This is why incubators are referred to in the trade as incinerators. They burn up money, ideas and creative people.

Although we wish to create substantive innovation our institutional mindset and the commensurate practices we use inadvertently eliminate the deviation required to make it happen.

Our ability to “Think Different” may be as much a result of what we stop doing as what we start. Learning to do anything new requires sufficient time to acquire the capability. Learn to play an instrument or speak a foreign language and the point becomes clear. All learning is developmental regardless of age. The point is that real innovation requires that we get to a destination we have never been to before and by a new route. We make it up as we go along. Otherwise it’s just another lap around the planning circuit.

We learn by accelerating the failure cycle, not by avoiding it. As the great American philosopher John Dewey put it, “The self is not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action.” This requires that we launch our own innovation experiments with the aim of gaining meaningful experiences. We need to open ourselves up to new things. But our creativity does not happen on cue or in the calmness of our calendar. It seldom happens on demand. Instead we find our ingenuity, imagination and growth in the muddle and maelstrom of our circumstances.

Vary your days. Feed your head. Pay attention to what is getting energy and what is losing it. Say “yes” more than “no.” Cross over your own boundaries. Bring your guitar or paintbrush or dancing shoes to work. Be the deviant before you cross the threshold into work. Be brave. There are those that will seek to undo you just for being free. In the words of Nobel Laureate, author and philosopher Albert Camus, “The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”


JEFF DEGRAFF is a professor, author of Innovation You: Four Steps to Becoming New and Improved, speaker and advisor to hundreds of the top organizations in the world. He is called the "Dean of Innovation" because of his influence on the field. To learn more about Jeff and his work on innovation please visit You can follow Jeff on Twitter@JeffDeGraff and LinkedIn.

Dinos Stogias

Food Professional - Self Employed


Great article! Innovation and freedom should come together and shared publicly with other innovators that could take it one step further. Only with this mindset we can progress as a humanity.

Alister Thyne

Project Manager - Technology Product Development lead - AI Enthusiast / Consultant


There are no rules to the innovation race, if you do lead, then you will inspire others to go further, faster and cheaper.

Dr.Gomathi S

Director & Professor @ CMR University | Enhancing Faculty/Staff and Students Development,/Educator/Life skills Trainer Former HOD & Professor, VIT Business School,VIT University, Vellore.


nice message

Dipankar Ghosh

Founder | CTO | Industrial IoT | Digitalization Enabler | Industry 4.0 | Smart Factories | ESG | Technology for Sustainability


Like the title of the post! Perhaps the best people to who this applies are children. And children have an open mind to experiment. So, as a society we have to pay attention to our children, on how we mould their minds to experiment, question, innovate - fearlessly. And then not lose it when they grow up. A culture of innovation will take firm roots only then.

Shafiq Khan

Open Challenger of Theories of Relativity


People are writing & interested in trivial innovations but no one seems to be concerned with the innovation of the millennium which will change the materialistic outlook of the world. Let all the readers know that there could be a situation when innovation would be ignored, suppressed & blocked by all possible means because it affects the business of some & jobs of some. The very space-time concept, on which theories of relativity are founded, has been mathematically, theoretically & experimentally proved as baseless and openly challenged on the basis of published scientific articles. Since the very space-time concept has been proved as baseless the question of curvature of space-time being correct does not arise. Gravity has been shown to be an electromagnetic force as foreseen by Maxwell due to the curl/vortices of aether (the electric dipoles) in the published article 'Revised Foundation of Theory of Everything: Non-living Things & Living Things' (; Sep 2010) Revised version of this article is available on vixra, General Science Journal, & World Science Database in my profile. Open challenge could be seen by everyone at and also at I would like to keep you informed that the open challenge has been sent to almost all professors of physics & universities of the world and so far two retired professors of physics namely Jeremy Dunning-Davies of Hull University & Brian Cole of Columbia University accepted the challenge but both of them finally failed to show a single error in the articles on the basis of which open challenge has been put forward. In this regard exchange of articles between me & Jeremy is available on vixra, General Science Journal & Elixir Online Journal. World should force all the physicists of the world to join to accept the standing open challenge to produce the rebuttal article to the scientific articles on the basis of which open challenge has been put forward; the very well known & only accepted procedure of denying the scientific findings published in peer-reviewed journals. For the information of all concerned I would like to state here that every concerned physicist of the world is in complete knowledge of the open challenge and they also know that they can do nothing about it technically & scientifically. They would have easily accepted the alternative paradigm of physics which emerges as the consequence of my scientific publications but that would reduce their degrees to trash and they will have to quit their jobs on the basis of morality. Besides there is fund flow of trillions of dollars annually for research in thousands of research institutions all over the world and once world comes to know that all these institutions have been knowingly wasting trillions of dollars of public money; then many (millions) heads would have to role. Thus all the main-stream physicists are maintaining a deliberate silence and ignorance of the open challenge but how long they can deceive the world as I have taken a vow that I will take this whole issue to its logical conclusion. My details are in my profile on LinkedIn E-mail:- Mobile:- 09419072818.


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