Which "Three Musketeers" Character are you?

10 Questions - Developed by:
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Are you the daring D'Artagnan or the manipulative Milady? Find out here.

  • 1
    You arrive in Paris. What is the first thing you do?
    You arrive in Paris. What is the first thing you do?
  • 2
    On your way home a stranger offends you, do you:
    On your way home a stranger offends you, do you:
  • 3
    You are asked to go on a dangerous mission for your country, do you...
    You are asked to go on a dangerous mission for your country, do you...

  • 4
    Someone who is incredibly attractive starts flirting with you, do you...
    Someone who is incredibly attractive starts flirting with you, do you...
  • 5
    How would your friends describe you?
    How would your friends describe you?
  • 6
    You find out that someone you trust has betrayed you, do you...
    You find out that someone you trust has betrayed you, do you...

  • 7
    How important is friendship to you?
    How important is friendship to you?
  • 8
    How would you describe your fashion choices?
    How would you describe your fashion choices?
  • 9
    Who would you willingly die for?
    Who would you willingly die for?
  • 10
    How would you celebrate a victorious mission?
    How would you celebrate a victorious mission?

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