Storing up LIFE to Write About Later

This week, I have been Frederick. The classic children’s book talks about a mouse who watches all the other mice gather seeds and grains for the winter, storing them away for the cold days. Frederick is a gatherer, too, but he gathers the sights, sounds, tastes, smells and feel of summer. When dreary days of winter come, Frederick is ready with poetry to remind the others that good days would come again.

My daughter delivered her second son, my fourth grandchild this week, and I’ve concentrated on just living. On being a Frederick who soaks up life at it grandest and stores it in the depths of my heart to be brought out in a written form when needed.

Here are some of the images of the week:

Mr. GFR weighed in a 7 lbs, 20.5 inches.

Big brother marched into the hospital and literally charmed the entire nursing staff. They were all hanging over the desk to get a look at his fedora and glasses.
Mr. EIR stole the show from his little brother.

And while the household slept, I took early morning walks, just rejoicing in the richness of our lives.

Heron on the Lake on the day that GFR was just two days old.

Sometimes, every once in a while, it’s good to be a Frederick! When is the last time you just lived and enjoyed the fullness of life?

6 thoughts on “0

  1. I usually forget to take the time to notice the beauty in the world. I’m glad you had the chance to remember. Congratulations!

  2. Darcy, that’s the soundest most fundamental advice yet on writing. I have learned to store up life too. From book-and-grandchild-in-lap story conversations, to picking raspberries covered in early morning dew as the sun rolls up into the summer sky whispering, “hurry, hurry, hurry…it’s gonna be hot today!”
    Congrats on #4! What joy being a Frederick.

  3. Thanks for this, Darcy, and congratulations, what a beautiful baby boy! (Sorry, I know this is kind of late, I’m just catching up on my reading.)

    Your post really struck me because just recently God has been showing me the value of each moment, and to stop driving for the future, to just slow down, and live, love, and appreciate NOW. And I’ve been doing a lot better, been happier, and ironically, gotten more done than in the past 6 months combined!

    So, this was very timely. Thanks.

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