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What Causes Bad Breath?

smiling brunette

Medically referred to as halitosis, bad breath is an issue that impacts millions of Americans on a daily basis. This undesirable condition is most notably caused by specific foods we eat, as well as a failure to brush, floss, and rinse regularly to remove food particles that get trapped between the teeth and around the gums. That said, there are many instances in which bad breath can occur even when you pay close attention to your diet and maintain proper oral hygiene habits. Some additional causes of bad breath can include:

  • Gum (periodontal) disease
  • Chronic dry mouth
  • Smoking and/or use of tobacco products
  • Certain medical conditions, such as pneumonia, frequent sinus infections, diabetes, acid reflux, and kidney or liver issues

The key to controlling bad breath is to identify the root cause. In addition to brushing, flossing, and rinsing at least two times a day, we strongly suggest scheduling comprehensive oral exams a minimum of twice annually. During these visits, your dentist and his or her team can not only rid your teeth and gums of any tartar and plaque buildup you are unable to cleanse yourself, they can also detect early symptoms and recommend potential treatment options for any conditions that may be contributing to bad breath.

If you are experiencing chronic bad breath and are interested in scheduling a visit to our practice, we encourage you to contact us today. Dr. Colin Morton and our experienced team will be more than happy to help you get to the bottom of what is causing your halitosis, as well as provide treatment options for how to successfully manage the condition.

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