Dashboards for Globalization Success
Defining Metrics and Analytics that Help Global Business to Succeed

12 May 2021
by Alison Toon, Dr. Arle Lommel

While translation reuse analytics and process KPIs are already part of the localization team’s core deliverables, many miss out on creating business-oriented guidance that can help functions in other areas of the company interpret the degree to which local markets contribute to revenue and growth. Rarely are dashboards defined to not only report on key operational functions but also to inform and prescribe upper and C-level management decisions. As AI and machine learning with other forms of automation advance rapidly, dashboards and their underlying data will continue to evolve – just like those for automobiles. In time, much of the information that dashboards passively report today will instead automate decisions – such as what to translate, how much, and when – and other actions such as provoking a quality review or signaling an escalation. Are you ready?

This report is based on 15 in-depth interviews carried out in 2021; on CSA Research’s many interactions with buyers, language service providers, and technology vendors; and on analysts’ direct experience within global enterprises through consulting engagements.

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