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The Spending Must Stop

Updated May 15, 2012, 04:01pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

The House Budget Committee has introduced, for the second year in a row, a budget to bring some level of balance back to Washington.  It reduces the rate of spending growth, incrementally dials back entitlements, and allows for growth in the economy to ratchet back government spending as a percent of GDP over a long period of time.  The right and the left have criticized this so-called “Ryan Plan.”  The Senate strategy, by comparison, has been to do nothing—they haven’t even passed a budget in three years even though required by law (and why is there no penalty for this?).  We must adopt some sort of plan that at least reduces the rate of spending growth.  We need to live within our means and that means cutting spending.

Some on the right think the plan is too tame and more drastic spending cuts are required to get the economy back in balance.  Most on the left are excoriating the plan (and Ryan) as radical and call for even higher levels of spending, debt, and taxes.  So, to begin with, what is the Ryan Plan?

House Plan Summary:

Peg non-defense federal spending at about 2008 levels and hold constant for five years.  Savings proposals include reforming agricultural subsidies and reducing headcount via attrition.

  • Reduce defense spending by $78 billion consistent with the plan requested by Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
  • Convert federal Medicaid spending and food stamps to block grants indexed for inflation and population growth, and give to states to administer.
  • Consolidate dozens of duplicated job-training programs into “career scholarships.”
  • Repeal Dodd-Frank.
  • Wind down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac including government guarantees over time.
  • Repeal the Affordable Care Act.
  • Modify Medicare to give future beneficiaries the option of the current program or a menu of private options.
  • Adopt Social Security reforms recommended by the Bowles-Simpson Fiscal Commission.
  • Consolidate federal income tax brackets to two: 25% and 35%, and eliminate most deductions.
  • Set corporate taxes at 25% and eliminate all deductions.
  • Adopt a series of energy initiatives essentially going after “all of the above,” all sources of domestic energy production.

The results of implementation of this plan are projected to cut $6.2 trillion from the current budget over ten years, reduce debt as a percent of GDP, and begin to pay down the national debt.  Federal spending is reduced to below 20% of GDP, equal to historical averages, and reduces deficits by over $4 trillion.

Some critics feel the plan does not go far enough to reduce spending and deficits.  Their alternatives include plans that go beyond the House proposal to eliminate whole federal departments (like Health & Human Services, Energy, and Commerce), layoff millions of federal workers (rather than using attrition), drastically cut military spending and capability, cut foreign aid, raises Social Security retirement age to 72, privatize Medicare, massively expand drilling for oil and gas on federal lands, and implement a flat tax at 25%.

Another attempt to right the ship was the Bowles-Simpson Plan.  It was developed by the bi-partisan commission established by the current administration in November 2010, and celebrated as a thoughtful approach to resolving the current spending and debt crisis.  Many of the recommendations of Bowles-Simpson are similar to the Ryan plan.  Unfortunately, the plan was delivered with great fanfare but then promptly ignored.

These alternatives stands in stark contrast to the current administration plan submitted in February (amounts are over ten years).

Current Administration Plan Summary

  • Raise federal tax rates to increase taxes by $1.9 trillion:  highest rate goes to 39.6% while eliminating deductions;
  • Raise capital gains tax rate from 15% to 20%;
  • Raise dividend and carried interest tax rate from 15% to 39.6%;
  • Raise estate taxes to 45% and reduce exemption to $3.5 million;
  • Repeal last-in-first-out accounting,
  • Increase taxes on financial and insurance industries by $19 billion;
  • Increase taxes on oil companies by $41 billion;
  • Raise taxes on U.S. multinationals by $148 billion by reducing foreign tax credits,
  • Increased 2013 appropriate requests versus 2008 levels are:  Defense +10%, Energy +27%, Homeland Security +13%, Veterans Affairs +55%, State + 40%, Agriculture +11%, Commerce +17%, Education +21%, EPA +10%, Health and Human Services +6%, Justice +20%, Treasury +12%, National Science Foundation +22%, Small Business Administration +67%, Social Security Administration +11%, and Corporation for National and Community Service +22% with all other agencies +34%.  In a somewhat Freudian move, Intelligence is reduced -21%, with Transportation -11%, and Corps of Engineers -16%.  Total spending is up 13%.
  • Increase spending on Medicare & Medicaid from $700 billion in 2013 to about $1,100 billion annually over the next twenty years.

Current Policy Results

We cannot escape the realities of the results of current policy:

  • Spending for 2013 will be 23% of GDP up from 20% historical levels, and revenues will be 18% creating a 5% of GDP deficit to be funded with increased debt.
  • Federal debt currently at $15.6 trillion and has increased by $4 billion per day since September 2007.  By 2012 year-end debt will be $16.3 trillion.
  • Debt levels are over 100% of GDP, the highest level in our history except a brief spike during WWII, and foreigners own about half our debt.
  • If current policies remain unchanged, debt is projected to be at over 300% of GDP by 2030.
  • Congressional Budget Office ten-year projections project the deficit to increase from $1.4 trillion to $5 trillion.
  • Demographic aging and per-capita spending are causing Medicare/Medicaid expenditures to grow significantly faster than GDP.
  • Rising debt may reduce the value of the dollar, drive inflation, significantly reduce GDP growth, reduce innovation, and increase the risk of sudden fiscal crisis (collapse).
  • Only 52% of the population pays federal income taxes.
  • The top 1% cannot support the country:  the U.S. could seize all the assets and wealth of the top 1% (most of which are businesses) and this would only fund the federal government for a few months.
  • Over 75% of projected the long-term budget gap is caused by escalating interest costs on debt.  Without change in policy, future revenues will cover only net interest by 2040 and pay for nothing else.

We cannot keep taking more and more money out of the private sector to create larger government.  Private sector spending creates a multiplier effect of about four times greater than public spending.  Higher and higher government spending takes money from the more productive private sector and diminishes GDP growth.  This formula hasn’t worked in the social democracies of old Europe and virtually has bankrupted many of those countries—the so-called PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain).

We already have the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world making our corporations uncompetitive globally.  We also double tax multinationals—they are taxed in the country where they generate revenue, and then again when that cash is brought back to the U.S.  This causes most foreign earnings to be reinvested outside the U.S. rather than being brought back for domestic investment.  IPOs are going overseas rather than face the strangling regulations applied here.  The so-called 1% cannot support the spending growth. Small businesses make up 75% of individual filers and higher individual tax rates diminish their ability to create jobs.  The dollar is weakening versus other currencies, and inflation is a looming concern.

In short, the current path is unsustainable and the only course to prevent the U.S. from following down the well-worn path of the PIIGS debacles is to cut spending, dial back the social guarantee escalations, reduce the tax burden on businesses, flatten the burden on individuals, and live within our means.

-- Steve Odland