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Shake Shack Coming to Winter Park

Written By Scott Joseph On July 16, 2013


Shake Shack, the burger restaurant from Danny Meyer’s Union Square Hospitality Group that has New Yorkers standing in lines like it was a cupcake bakery or something, is coming to Winter Park. The company announced today that it would be joining the development on Lake Killarney at Orlando Avenue and Morse Boulevard in summer of 2014.

Shake Shack started as a hot dog cart operation in Madison Square Park in 2001. The company was granted the rights to construct a permanent kiosk there in 2004. It was such a hit that other locations sprang up around the city, and it eventually  spanned out to Connecticut, Washington, D.C., Massachussetts and Pennsylvania as well as South Florida. New Yorkers have been known to stand in ridiculously long lines but get cranky if you point out to them that they’re waiting to eat in a chain restaurant. Now that they’ll be opening one in Central Florida, it’s sure to lose its allure.

But you can expect it to be very, very popular.

What do you think — are you excited about Shake Shack opening here? Leave a comment below.

And thanks to Julius May Jr. for breaking the story.

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